Hello ... Under platform 8.2, we get warnings in business rules that reference function QueueDataMgmtSequence. Does anyone know what function should be utilized instead?
1) Warning at line 114: 'Public Overloads Function QueueDataMgmtSequence(si As SessionInfo, sequenceName As String, customSubstVars As Dictionary(Of String, String)) As TaskActivityItem' is obsolete: 'This is a temporary function used by Marketplace Solutions for backwards compatibility with old XF versions. Please change your code to use supported functionality.'.
Introduction of workspaces has impacted the argument list for few of the functions including QueueDataMgmtSequence. The updated function call would require below arguments,
If the workspace is default, pass Guid.Empty as the second argument. The latest function structure can be referred from the API helper present in the left side panel of the Rule Editor screen.