I'm trying to get the current pov - cube and entity - within a member list (i'm using for selection as drop-down).
Unfortunately the api.pov.entity.name is in this case not returning the wf po...
If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("ReturnEntityFromWFName") Then Dim WFProfileName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("WFProfile") Dim entityName As String = ...derive entity name from WFProfileName string...
Return entityName
End if
As for assigned entities, you can use a bound list parameter (as more than one entity may be assigned):
Select a profile with assigned entities and then run the parameter to see what it returns exactly:
You are welcome, happy to see it was 'just' the square brackets. Always recommended to use those in order to sort out and unexpected spaces in the string.