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[howto] Use "Insert Code" when posting on Forum boards

Hey guys! Just a reminder: if you're going to post code in this forum, please make it easier to read by using the "Insert/Edit Code Sample" button on the expanded formatting toolbar. Here's a short video showing how it works. If you need to edit code...

tmp.png 1c_code.gif

Resolved! Can I use to insert text?

Hi Team,I wanted to insert a text to data cell (for example 'Add comment'). Is it possible to be done by using is how I see this:Dim Comment As String = "Add comment""V#Annotation:A#xxx:F#xxx:O#xxx:I#xxx:U1#...

Kamila by New Contributor III
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Key Error on an account member formula

I'm trying to figure out where I can access the Key related to this error. I created a series of new accounts and member formulas by extracting an existing set of accounts from our application.I opened the extracted file in Notepad and performed a fi...


Resolved! Using a variable in the calculate string formula

Hi,I am in a custom business rule. I have a calculate formula like the following one, which works fine:api.Data.Calculate("A#Sales1 = A#Sales2 + 50”) Now let say I want to declare a variable instead of having the 50 typed in the formula string, and p...

AndreaF by Contributor III
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