Forum Discussion

Yaseen's avatar
New Contributor III
12 months ago

calculate QTD data to overwrite system generated number.

Hello Community -

Looking for guidance on options to calculate data at QTD to overwrite the number generated from periodic values.

This intersection has an option for users to enter periodic values, so I cannot make a member dynamic calc.

I am using UD8 dimension member for the calc. Please share your thoughts.



  • Yaseen's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Can this be achieved by Formula Pass or Finance business rule? 

  • MarcusH's avatar
    Contributor III

    The QTD member is input so that data can be entered quarterly and then allocated to the dependent periods. I think the only way you can achieve this is to have an adjustment member for the QTD value. If you consider YTD rather than QTD, if you set a value as YTD, the system adjusts the periodic values so they aggregate correctly.

    • Yaseen's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Need to run calculation at QTD to replace the data coming from Periodic entries, can this be achieved by making the UD8 member as Formula Pass so that periodic can be open for input and QTD number calculated.