While I was reindenting your code (next time, you might want to use the "Insert/edit code sample" option, that appears when you expand the list of editor icons by clicking on the three dots at the end), I noticed this line:
i'd be willing to bet that's the source of your problems. Multithreading is hard in general, and when running in the context of an application with its own thread management (OneStream), that sort of call is likely to result in thread locks (because your code suspends execution, but maybe the app is waiting for your code to complete, so things never progress...). They typically end up manifesting in unpredictable lock-ups like the ones you're describing.
I would try removing that call. As a general approach, I would have a simple rule calling ExecuteFileHarvestBatch just once, set it up as a Data Management job that receives parameters, and then launch that job multiple times with different parameters from another rule, leaving the queueing and scheduling of those jobs to OneStream. I suspect it would end up being faster, since OS would parallelize things efficiently (unlike now, where you're doing it serially, one harvest after the other).