How do you manage recurring journal entries?

Valued Contributor


How do you manage recurring journal entries? We go through a manual process where we pull the JE data out of OS, manipulate the information into a text file and load the text file to create whatever JEs are needed the next period but it's not an easy or straightforward process. Please let me know if you have a better way! 




Valued Contributor II

Hi Nicole,

some customers use a dashboard to copy journals from the previous period. You can look into creating one for yourself that may suit your needs more accurately than your current process.

If you do not want to develop such a dashboard, you can also keep an Excel file of your recurring journals and load those every period. Adjusting what you need to change before the load, of course. For this, you also need a load process set up to read the journals from the Excel file.

Valued Contributor

Hi Henning,

Thanks for the info. Any thoughts on where to go to access the dashboard someone else might've already created? No sense in reinventing the wheel since I imagine a recurring JE dashboard would be pretty standard across customers.

Also, I'm unsure if you're a OS employee - if you are and if you have knowledge in this area, is the dashboard something OS would be standardizing and sharing?


Valued Contributor II

Hi Nicole,

yes, I am a OneStream employee. A journal copy dashboard is not among the solutions downloadable at the Marketplace (as of now), i.e. not officially released and / or standardized.

Not sure if you are a customer or a consulting partner. Assuming you are a customer, I would inquire with your consulting partner to see whether they have implemented this in the past already and may pass it on to you as well. Or, you can also open a support ticket ( and get in touch with the Advanced Application Solution (AAS) team to discuss with them if they can tailor this according to your needs.

Contributor II

If you make it as a Journal Template and make the template required, it should prefill each month when it's time to post