Range Transformation Rule not working
Hi Community,
I am using a range transformation rule to give all balance sheet accounts a Flow of CB_Load. In the data source Flow is pointing the account number. I then use account ranges in the Flow transformation group to derive the Target Value of CB_Load. However, I am getting a validation error because Flow is reverting to None which is against the constraint settings for these accounts.
I would expect this account (8100030) to derive a Flow of CB_Load due to Rule Name Range4 in the screenshot.
However the Range rule is ignored and Flow is stamped with None as per the Mask pass through rule.
Does anybody have an idea of what might be going wrong? I could just have a hundreds of pages of one to one mappings but this would be a nightmare to maintain!
Please note that the account transformation rule is a mask pass through where Rule Expression = * and Target Value = * so in the above example 8100030 is also the account in the data source.