Transformation using .TRX upload upload into wrong Type

New Contributor

When we use the "Import a TRX file into the selected group" icon, the .trx file keeps getting uploaded into the "one-to-one" type. How I upload my .trx file into the proper Type (i.e. Mask, List, Range, etc).

Background: I extra a copy of an existing transformation mapping by going to a rules profile/group and clicking onto the "Export selected group to a TRX file" on the top of the page.  Once I edit a few mapping changes and save the file back as .trx, I attempt to upload this .trx file using the other icon, "Import a TRX file into the selected group".  However, each and every time I upload this file, it doesn't hit the right Type (i.e. Mask, etc).  I extract from a Mask, and attempt to upload into the Mask Type, but the file keeps on going into the "one-to-one" type.  There must be a change I need to make to the .trx file before uploading it, to allow the system to know to upload the file into the Mask type and not the one-to-one type? 





Contributor III

I did some testing on this a while back and this is what I found.

The file needs to use UTF-8 encoding. Values can be enclosed in double quotes - they will be stripped out when the file is imported.

Line Delimiter: can be semicolon, pipe, comma or tab (; | , TAB) 

Field 1: Source Value
Field 2: Target Value
Field 3: Rule name/Map name. Blank for One-to-One/Explicit type maps
Field 4: Description. NOTE: can contain the delimiter if the Description is enclosed within double quotes
Field 5: OPTIONAL: Sort Order/Sequence. Defaults to 0

Flip Sign: If the Target Value begins with - (minus sign), the value is set to TRUE.
Special characters in the source value control the map types (if there are no special characters the map type is set to One-to-One):

Characters   Map type Example
> Range 100>199
~ Range 100~199
, List 100,199
? Mask 10?
* Mask 10*
&&_ List &&_41137;41138
##_ Composite ##_E#[Dallas*]:A#[99*]

Example lines:
"101070","-20400",,"Short Term Borrowings",1
"106920","13800",,"Prepaid, Expenses & Accrued Income"
"1150*","11500",z1150s,"Interco. Receivable - Finance",


Contributor III

Here's the TRX guide.
