ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Linked Parameter in Table View Apologies, I missed the "in Table View" part of the ask. I believe you can't nest parameter definitions in table views in this dynamic way, as there are not two "events" to resolve the second paramet...Re: Linked Parameter in Table View I am guessing you need additional details on Jack's response. You will need to define Param_2's values based on Param_1's selection with a Dashboard XFBR String business rule. In the following examp...Re: Error saving data into white input cells Update: this behavior can be replicated even in version 8. I believe changing certain WF settings after the WF has been used forces a corruption in OS tracking of WF statuses/settings. It seems that...Re: Multi-Select Parameter Yes. You need to embed the Cube View in a Dashboard. The Parameter will be associated to a Como Box whose Display Format includes "IsMultiSelect = True": Hope this helps! Re: Locking an import profile using custom created workflow channnel. I'm facing the same problem, which cannot be resolved by the Finance engine. The requirement is simple: from a Base Input parent step, lock all descendants that are not Central Form Input, for examp...Re: Can I execute a BR after saving data? It really is surprising that this functionality is not suggested in Idea Stream. For now,WcfEventHandler is the way to go. Re: Error saving data into white input cells Hiawest, Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a fix to this behavior (which is the same we reported to OS but on the Forms Channel in your case). The only workaround I've found is to remove the...Re: Error saving data into white input cells Hicdever, Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, this is affecting us in Production. I am able to replicate the issue in a lab version 7.0 but not on 6.5. I really believe this is a defect; I hav...Re: Error saving data into white input cells Thanks,JackLacavafor the answer. Could you please share the ticket number you created to reference it with OS Support to help them out not start from scratch with the new ticket I will be creating?...Re: Error saving data into white input cells I agree withcdever: this is not expected behavior, nor how WFs Channels use to work before 7.1. I am facing the same issue andGuyRogersworkaround is only valid when Channels are not part of the s...