ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsViewing Stage Attributes From Excel I have a Stage Attribute of text type attached to my source records. As expected, this drops off when I push data from Stage to the Cube. When I run a query in the Excel Add-In and do a drill-do...Adding unique records to a Member List Hello- I have created a business rule that uses a buffer to bring back UD1 members that have a value against them, then they are added to a list like this: myList.Add(api.Members.GetMember(DimTyp...SolvedLooping Entities In a Data Buffer Hi, I have built a Finance business rule that users a data buffer to identify base level UD1 members with data at a specific intersection and sort the results. The user is prompted to select a pa...Re: Related Party Accounts- IC Matching Since you don't want to eliminate the activity, I would try to solve it with 2 UD's if that's an option for you. One party writes to a location in UD6 lets call it Location1_In, and the other side ...Re: Question: How can I prevent a user from loading data to a close period via import forms Actuals are usually going to be locked down by period so an accidental submission would fail in most cases. If the latest period of Actuals is still open and the user submits you could try the follo...Re: Seeding Actuals to Forecast for Extended dimension I have done something similar and got it to work: In this case, I extended horizontally so Actual is at a more granular level to my Forecast scenario. It's 4 lines of code. #1 I set my destination...Re: Adding unique records to a Member List I got this working, the fix was simple. On the sort line just add a Distinct() The code becomes: objMembers = (From member In myList Order By Member.Name Ascending Select Member).Distinct().ToLi...Re: Looping Entities In a Data Buffer I got this working now. Here is what you need to do to get it working: Create a simple list with these 2 lines of code Dim entityDimPk1 As DimPk = api.Dimensions.GetDim("YourEntityDimName").DimPk ...Prompting a user for a parameter selection through a DE123 Dashboard I have created a DM sequence that calls multiple steps. One of the DM steps prompts the user to select a seed Scenario which I then pass to my Finance BR as a parameter value. The scenario options ...Re: Viewing Stage Attributes From Excel I think I have answered my own question. If you ever need to do this in Excel or Spreadsheet: 1. Right-click on a cell in your spreadsheet and select OneStream XF -> Drill Down 2. Highlight a reco...