New Contributor III
since ‎03-28-2022

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  • 19 Posts
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I'm trying to change the WF POV via DashboardExtender BR. I noticed there is Enum XFSelectionChangedPovActionType but I don't see any object which can make a use of this. Any tips?
Hi, Is there an easy way to get MemberScript from the DataCellPk? I can see a method called 'GetMemberScript' (what a surprise) on DataCellPk object, but it doesn't work (or I cannot figure out how it works) in Extensibility Rule. The goal is to take...
Hi,I wonder what's the difference between IsConsolidated member property and Aggregation Weight which is relationship property? When one's usually set IsConsolidated to False? I can imagine that it make sense for non-additive values (like KPI's), but...
Hi there, I wonder if anybody knows how to access dashboard combo box selection from SaveDataEventHandler? I was able - through BRApi - to get the parameter assigned to the combo box (with the entire member list in it), but not the actual selection. ...