ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Narrative Reporting XFDoc Add-Ins Settings ( Re: Narrative Reporting Hi Re: Equity method of Consolidation Did you check to make sure that Cube property - 'Calculate Elimination Cons Member If No Data is set to True'. Rerun consolidation with the setting and share results. Re: Equity method of Consolidation Hi BCG - You would need to write custom rule for the Equity method scenario. Results for the scenario mentioned cannot be seen by OOB rules, however if your case is Proportionate/JV then Con % should...Elimination rule for OrgByPeriod application algorithm type Hi, We are working on Consolidation application with 'OOB and Store share' algorithm type. Came across an requirement to eliminate balances on few GLs with C#Elimination and O#Elimination member. B...SolvedRe: Elimination rule for OrgByPeriod application algorithm type Excitement! Sorry, I owe you one. Re: Elimination rule for OrgByPeriod application algorithm type Thanks OmKareshwar. Balances were present in all entities for filters/POV applied, however turning the elimination cube setting/ property to 'True' did the magic and made system eliminate all entiti...Re: Fact or Fiction? A user must upgrade to the latest software version in order to continue using OS Fact