ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: How to suppress blank pages in a PDF book Hi, Where you able to get a working solution for your excel based book? Regards, Execute Books from Business Rule Hi Community, Is it possible to execute a Book from a business rule? Regards Re: Change value of a "input value" parameter type Hi Cosimo, How about read the input value paramater from a XFBR rule? I did try but I couldn't figure it out. Re: Literal parameters and multiple users Hi, Is there a way to read input parameters from a XFBR rule? I am trying to set input value parameter to use it a data adapter (FormsStatusForWorkflowUnit) it doesn't like |!inputValue!| (doesn'...Re: Setting Dynamic No Input Period for Scenario Thank you Fred, That works perfectly. Re: Setting Dynamic No Input Period for Scenario Hi FredLucas, We are trying do a similar update to the No Input. Will have a sample of code that we can leverage? Thank in advance. Account filter in FdxExecuteDataUnit Hi Community, I am building a Business Rule which will pull data base level data for a specific parent under the Account dimension. I am usingFdxExecuteDataUnit to pull data from the cube, but...SolvedRe: Capture No valid DataKeys Message Thank for your update. I that message is to technical and long. I used a shorter version failureSummary.AppendLine(ex.StackTrace.ToString) Re: Capture No valid DataKeys Message Hi, Do you know how you can catch the error, when I ouput my exception message, it's seem to be blank. Regards, Seang Re: Multiple SIC client install/configured in the same server Hi Krishna, So you saying that we can used the same SIC client to create connection that will be going to two different environment of OS (two different links)? Regards, Seang