Hi all Onestream stores a lot of information using an integer ID instead
of a name. And most of the time we also deliver a simple way, to get
objects (or names of objects) using an api or brapi call. Somehow
getting the name of a dimension from its I...
I want to round the values for the Revenue account for all UD2 members
to whole numbers. Do I have to get the values, round them and write the
value, or is there a simpler method?
You should have a look at regular expressions. It is a little cryptic
but very powerful. Microsoft provides all the information you need to
parse complex strings.
Every cubeview, quickview and also every retrieve function in
spreadsheet or excel has drill down to stage out of the box: Select the
cell -> right mouse click -> select drill down -> drill down to a base
member -> right mouse click -> drill to stage...