ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: OneStream integration Have you reviewed any of the documentation here:Connector Data Source ( There are also several examples in the sample apps on how to do this. Azure Data Warehouse is just another ...Re: GitHub/OneStream Integration It is honestly my biggest gripe about the platform, especially for those of us who use it as a true platform. Multi object deployments are extremely painful with Git Integration. Really wish they w...Re: Export from OneStream to Databricks A few options there but have used the DataBricks API endpoint/s in the past to post data/streams into DataBricks from an OS Business Rule and scheduled/triggered from a Data Management Sequence. Alt...Re: Export from OneStream to Databricks Are you looking to "push" the data to DataBricks from OS, or are you going to fire the process off from DataBricks? Both would work, but 2 very different approaches. Both have API endpoints you can...Re: Export from OneStream to Databricks Yes - Very straightforward. We just had Databricks call the Onestream Rest API endpoint to get the data we needed. On the reverse, you could write a business rule that pushes data to the DataBri...Re: Data Sources Reading Rows with No Amounts Correct, I didn't realize you were trying to do it on the amount field. It is required to have a value. Re: Data Sources Reading Rows with No Amounts Hi Gidon - There should be an option on the data source field in the Numeric Settings called 'Zero Suppression'. Set that to False and it should work. Re: Jdbc database connection for SIC It would totally depend on the source system/s involved. Re: Jdbc database connection for SIC Interested to see what others respond with here. It would surprise me if out of the box you could use JDBC since OneStream is a .NET based platform. Maybe there's another way to accomplish the same...Re: Triggering Control-M from a Data Management job Not directly familiar with Control - M, but assume it's similar to other scheduling tools and can issue an API request to the OS API which allows for a Data Management Sequence to be fired off. You ...