ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Problem Upgrade to v8.2 Hi, Yes, be sure you only have the version needed. Ensure the versions you have already installed in your system. Use this command to check in CMD: dotnet --list-runtimes Regards Reset Password On-Prem User Hi, I've been offline during few weeks without using OneStream on my localhost application, and now, when I try to connect to my localhost again, I can't login: Of course, I don't change...SolvedRe: Verrsion 8.1 Updating Problem Hi hire, It was due to .Net version (were installed one version of 6.X.X and other of 8.X.X). I've upgrade to some users their versions from 5.2, 6.2 and 7.3 to 8.2 without issues. Neverthel...Problem Upgrade to v8.2 Hi, Trying to upgrade from 7.3 to 8.2, I've been follow the "Upgrade Guide" from Doc-On-Premise but I have an issue at the end of the process. I updated all Databases and Server configuration f...Re: Verrsion 8.1 Updating Problem Hi, I had this problem when I tried to install v8.2. So I've been trying to upgrade version 7.3 to 8.2 following the Upgrade Guide, but I have a issue (I think is the same problem) so I would li...