BI Viewer - Font Sizes
Hello, We have a use case that makes extensive use of dashboards. The BI viewer component seems like an attractive solution for this. However, we have been struggling to fully adapt it to our needs. One problem is the (seemingly) fixed font size for table content and axes. A particularly surprising effect is that there is no change in font size when maximizing a specific component. This could be a very smart feature, e.g. during a beamer presentation. Unfortunately it only increases the white spaces, while the fonts are identical. This seems almost like a bug - or am I missing something? (screenshots are original scale!) Thanks, Frank.4.1KViews3likes7CommentsHow to call Data Adapter in a Business Rule?
I'm working with a BI Viewer and working out how to sort the dates within the Time data set. Is their an API that allows to call the data adapter used within a dashboard? Currently the dates on the X-Axis are disorganized and are being sorted based on M1x, M2x which causes October (M10) to precede after January (M1).Solved6.3KViews2likes8CommentsBI Viewer - Choropleth Map Editing
SOURCE: ONESTREAM CHAMPIONS Hi gang, Does anyone out here use Choropleth maps in BI Viewer and was able to figure out how to create new Shapefiles? Bi Viewer includes a bunch of default maps (8 in all - World, Europe, Asia, NA, SA, USA, Canada, Africa) but I’m looking for SHP files by states (i.e. California, Texas, etc.). Has anyone built different SHP files for BI-Viewer? If yes, please explain how?3.8KViews2likes7CommentsHow to make the column names dynamic in BI-Viewer pivot or Grid
Hello, I am facing a problem in making dynamic names for BI-viewer. I have a data adapter with Command type as Cube view. I am using this adapter in BI-viewer. I want to make the column names similar in cube view. For example, in my scenario I have columns changing according to the time. but here it will show as Col0Value, Col1Value. As per cube view headers, Col0 is 2024M1 and Col1 is 2024M2 and this will change according to time updated for next periods. It will not be same every time. How to get the same names as per cube view into BI-viewer column list.833Views2likes2CommentsBI Viewer component in Powerpoint extensible document
Hello, Does anyone have experience linking a dashboard chart built with BI Viewer in Powerpoint via alt text? We tried including it as a BI Viewer or Chart component, but the chart does not appear in the Powerpoint. {XF}{Application}{BI Viewer}{MyComponentName}/{XF}{Application}{Chart}{MyComponentName} PageNumber=1, CropLeft=0, CropTop=0, CropWidth=0, CropHeight=0, Zoom=100, MaintainAspectRatio=True, FillMode=Width, Anchor=TopLeft, IncludeBorders=False Much appreciate it if anyone could share some tips!1.9KViews2likes2CommentsBI Viewer - Choropleth Map Continents Labeling
Hi All, I am trying to display percentage values for the different continents in a BI Viewer component with a Choropleth Map. The display of the values works, but I would like to see only one label per continent, as is the case with South America, for example, and not for each individual country, as is the case with Africa and the other continents. Is there a way to change the labeling to only once per continent?1KViews1like3CommentsNot popping Pie chart (BI Component) in Dashboards Reports.
Dear Community, we have a requirement to add Pie chart (BI Viewer Component) to the dashboard reports. we were able to see the pie chart when we ran the BI Viewer component but when attached to the dashboard it does not show the pie-chart. Here are the properties we used for the dashboard. Any solutions to this will be helpful and appreciated.2.6KViews1like4CommentsDrilldown ability in BI Viewer
In BI Viewer, Is it possible to drilldown to the base level members using Pivot Grid within the same dimension. Like if I pull Entity dimension in a row then is there any way to drill down to the base level members ? Also, Can filters list out the members in a hierarchical /tree format? Generally combo box/list/tree map displays it in a flat structure so is there any alternative way to achieve it ?2KViews1like4Comments