TXP_BusinessRules Execution Order
Attached is a one tab Excel file that shows the execution order of the main BR: "TXP_BusinessRules". It's important to remember that rules execute from the top of the file to the bottom (line by line). So, where you put additional rules for your specific application is very important. Order matters!!!Data Copy - What Happens When Different Entity Currencies are Involved?
Observations: OneStream will not copy a Local USD amount into a Local CAD cell. This is expected OS behavior. OneStream will not automatically translate prior to the Copy. The translate must be done prior to the Copy rule executing (either manually by the user or automated in a Data Management (DM) step). The CV does not re-render/refresh after the “Copy” or “Clear” is done (minor bug). So a manual “Refresh” is necessary in order to see the completed results. To fix this, the following two dashboard buttons need to be updated as follows - one is the "Clear" button and the other is the "Copy" button: This would hold true for the other Data Copy schedules / buttons. You can always add a Data Management step to first do a translations / consolidation prior to the Copy DM running. Testing Process: I first created a TXP_CA_102_US entity. It’s the same at TXP_CA_102 but with a USD currency. Also, this new entity has no Text 7 attributes. Next, I updated the UD7 hierarchy: Next, I updated the National GF definitions as follows: Next, I updated the workflow for the new entity. I put it in with the existing CA_102 entity. Next, I input a few pieces of data into Schedule 5. Save the data. Did a calculate to get a “OK” calc status. Next, open up “DM 10aAdmin”, set the POV and click on Refresh. Notice that you need to perform a “TR”. If you just run the “Copy” now, nothing will copy over. Right click on any cell in the “TR” column, and then do a Force Translate. Now you are ready to perform the “Copy”. After executing the “Copy”.Confirmation Rules
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 160. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules" See KB article: "Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST" Confirmation Rules The ability to create Confirmation Rules that are tailored to address customer specific controls is a powerful extension of the OneStream Platform. Tax Provision Blueprint has a few pre-built confirmation rules that you can use, modify, add on to, or remove if not necessary. There are nine confirmation rule groups that are then grouped into six confirmation rule profiles. All the confirmation rules are set up as “Warning (Pass)” and will not prevent the user from completing their workflow. This can be changed based on your application.TXP_FCST_Local_TaxRates Used for Forecast scenarios. Checks that a Filer Entity is using the same Local CY Apport Rates for all UD7 entities. This applies to any Filer Entity with the Tax Rates Used designation of “Filer Rates”. One rule is used for each of the 12 months. TXP_FCST_Monthly Used for Forecast scenario. Checks to see that there are monthly Current Tax Expense values - not derived data. One rule is used for each of the 12 months. TXP_FCST_Qtrly Used for Forecast scenarios. Checks to see that there are periodic values on the quarter end months for pretax income - specifically there should be no derived periodic data, blank data, or zeros. One rule is used for each of the 4 quarters. TXP_FCST_Yearly_GroupFilings Used for Forecast scenarios. Validate that there are the Group Filing Definitions and compare them to the GF definitions from the Actual scenario for period M12. One rule is used for period 12. TXP_GLTaxAdmin Used for the Actual scenario. Check that there is a value for the Interim Reporting ETR rate. Also checks to see if the Interim Reporting ETR rate is derived or manually entered. TXP_Local_JD_DM20a Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that the U4#National Data is the same for the U4#Local JD. Ensures that the DM20a copy dashboard rule has been executed since the last import of data. TXP_GF_Local_DM30a Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that the U4#National Data is the same for the U4#Local JD and U7# (Entity) base member. Ensures that the DM30a copy dashboard rule has been executed since the last import of data. TXP_Local_TaxRates Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that a Filer Entity is using the same Local CY Apport Rates / CY Stat Rates / Closing Deferred Apport Rates / Closing Deferred Stat Rates for all UD7 entities. This applies to any Filer Entity with the Tax Rates Used designation of “Filer Rates”. TXP_Nat_TaxRates Used for the Actual scenario. Checks that a Filer Entity is using the same National CY Stat Rates and Closing Deferred Stat Rates for all UD7 entities. The actual business rule syntax is not on each confirmation rule, but rather references a Finance Business rule called “TXP_SharedConfirmationRules” and “TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST”. This allows for easier access to all the confirmation rules in one place, allows us to share common rules and provides additional functionality.TXP_SharedConfirmationRules:TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST: The two main differences in the FCST rules are: We have one rule per month, as opposed to the Actual rules that has one rule that applies to all time periods We also need to indicate what month the rule needs to apply in (i.e.: 6).Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 115. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Confirmation Rules" See KB article: "Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST" TXP_SharedConfirmationRules TXP_SharedConfirmationRules is used to hold all the confirmation rules for the Actual scenarios rather than writing them individually on each confirmation rule. See the Reference Notes in the BR. The following Tax Provision Blueprint workflow profiles use the confirmation rules: Xxx_NatGroupFiler Xxx_LocalGroupFiler Xxx_Nat_LocalGF Xxx_LocalGF Germany workflows Xxx_NoLocalGFFinance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 116. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Confirmation Rules" See KB article: "Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules"" TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST is used to hold all the confirmation rules for forecast scenarios rather than writing them individually on each confirmation rule.Business Rules - Overview
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 103. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" Business Rules There are several business rules that Tax Provision Blueprint uses. To understand how Business Rules (BR's) are processed: Data Unit Calculation Sequence (DUCS) Here are the links to all the Business Rules (BR's) that are used in the Tax Provision Blueprint solution. TXP_BusinessRules Execution Order Finance - TXP_BusinessRules Finance - TXP_Copy_Annotations Finance - TXP_Copy_Data Finance - TXP_Copy_Data_FCST Finance - TXP_CustomCalc Finance - TXP_CV_CompareAnnotation Finance - TXP_MemberList Finance - TXP_MemberListRanked Finance - TXP_NatFiler_Calc Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules Finance - TXP_SharedConfirmationRules_FCST Cube View Extender - TXP_CV_ParentAccount_Bold Dashboard Data Set - TXP_HelperQueries Dashboard Extender - TXP_SolutionHelper Dashboard XFBR String - TXP_ParamHelper Extensibility Rules - SaveDataEventHandler SaveDataEventHandler BRFinance - TXP_BusinessRules
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 103. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" TXP_BusinessRules This is the main file that contains most of the Tax Provision Blueprint calculations. It is a large file with many things going on. Below is an overview of the layout of this file. There are two Function Types that Tax Provision Blueprint currently uses: ConditionalInput and Calculate. The TXP_Calculate section is where all the rules are contained. The first thing that the rule looks for is if the entity has a Text 8 value. If it is blank or empty, then the rule execution stops. The TXPCalculationSession is located at the bottom of the file. After the Entity Text 8 check, the order of the calculation goes according to the schedules. Here is the order that each schedule is called. If you need to prevent a section from executing (for troubleshooting purposes…), you can simply comment out the desired row.Finance - TXP_Copy_Annotations
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 105. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" TXP_Copy_Annotations TXP_Copy_Annotations provides the ability to Copy/Clear the Group Filings Definitions from one time period to another. These rules are called through a Data Management job which in turn is connected to the dashboard icons. The BR is called in the following schedules. See workflow profile “XFW_TXP_GLTaxAdmin”. DM 01a Actual Nat GF – Copy/Clear Definitions DM 02a Actual Local GF – Copy/Clear Definitions DM 11a ActualRTP Nat GF – Copy/Clear Definitions DM 12a ActualRTP Local GF – Copy/Clear DefinitionsFinance - TXP_Copy_Data
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 106. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" TXP_Copy_Data TXP_Copy_Data provides the ability to copy and clear data from the Provision (National to a National/Local Jurisdiction) and the Return data (National to a Local Jurisdiction). These rules are called through a Data Management job which in turn is connected to the dashboard icons. See the Reference Notes in the BR. The BR is called in these schedules: DM 10aAdmin GF Copy/Clear National to National - Provision DM 20a / DM 20aAdmin Copy/Clear National to Local - Provision DM 20b / DM 20bAdmin Copy/Clear National to Local - Return DM 20b2 / DM20b2Admin Copy/Clear National to Local (no GF) - Return DM 30a / DM 30aAdmin GF Copy/Clear National to Local - Provision DM 30b / DM 30bAdmin GF Copy/Clear National to Local - Return DM 30b1 / DM 30b1Admin Copy/Clear National to Local (GF) – Return 01c1Admin Copy/Clear the CY Tax Rate data 01c2Admin Copy/Clear the Deferred Tax Rate data You will notice that we have made a reference to the TXP_ParamHelper BR. Rather than re-creating the same functionality in this rule, we make a reference to this other BR and then pass in the variables. In-order for this to work, you also need to reference the BR in the Properties / Referenced Assemblies section: Here is an example how we have used a BR from the file TXP_ParamHelper:Finance - TXP_Copy_Data_FCST
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 109. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" TXP_Copy_Data_FCST TXP_Copy_Data_FCST provides the ability to copy and clear data for schedule DM10a FC, DM20a FC and DM 30a FC. There is also a rule to copy the actual data in a forecast scenario as well as the ability to copy Group Filing Definitions.