SaveCustomDataTable Gives Error
I want to load OneStream application data to external database. And there is an existing connection to the target external database. But it gives me below error, could you please help? No idea what is wrong. BTW, "FDH_DEV" is SIC external database connection. 'Build a data table with one test line Dim TestTbl As New DataTable TestTbl.Columns.Add("Tmt", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SEnt", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TEnt", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SAct", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SActD", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TAct", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TActD", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SFlw", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TFlw", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SIc", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TIc", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU1", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU1", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU2", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU2", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU3", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU3", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU4", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU4", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU5", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU5", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU6", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU6", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU7", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU7", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SU8", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TU8", Type.GetType("System.String")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("SAmt", Type.GetType("System.Decimal")) TestTbl.Columns.Add("TAmt", Type.GetType("System.Decimal")) TestTbl.Rows.Add("Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test","Test",100,100) BRApi.Database.SaveCustomDataTable(si, "FDH_DEV", "ods.ONESTREAM_EXTRACT_Src2TgtDashboard", TestTbl, True)57Views0likes5CommentsBusiness Rules for new OS implementation
Hi, we are implementing OS at present, and this is our first-ever project in OneStream; I need guidance on Business Rules. I am not sure what business rules we need to consider after and before we import the data from the Client system to match the client's legacy system data with OneStream numbers. Thanks, PreetiSolved67Views0likes2CommentsBusiness Rules Implementation
Hi, I'm trying to learn more about the business Rules and what they are doing. Where can I find the various function implementations. For Example: I have this function Dim connectionString As String = GetConnectionString(si, globals, api) For the GetConnectionString function where is the code for this funciton ? so I can read and understand what its doing ? If this is in the API, I have been looking there today, can you reference which folder / document I can get this. Thanks for your help in advance.78Views1like1CommentUsing Conditional Input to Suppress CV Columns
Hi All, As the name states above I'm trying to dynamically modify suppression settings on a column in a CV based on a value selected in a parameter. So for example let's say if a user selects an option from a parameter I want to modify suppression settings on certain columns based on that selection choice. I have two questions: Is there a way to do this? If there is a way, how would this business rule/function be passed? In the CV? In the Cube? Thank You...Any assistance on this would be extremely helpful.Solved66Views0likes2CommentsWorkspace Assembly - Call functions from Finance or Connector business rules
Hi Everyone, has anyone already tried to reference a Workspace Assembly business rule from a Finance or a Connector business rule? I have a business rule that is packaged to an Assembly in a Workspace: It has a set of public functions returning dictionaries and other variables. And I would like these functions being called from a Connector. I can successfully reference it from another Assembly workspace. But when I am using the same syntax in a connector, that is not working: I am assuming the referenced Business rule must be declared in the Properties, but I am not sure of the syntax. Or even sure this is accepted. Many thanks to anyone who can helps!Solved2.3KViews0likes11CommentsEntity Relationship Properties update via business rules
Hi Team, I would like to fetch and update the Entity Relationship Properties for the Entity Dimension members via Business Rules. The below peace of code works fine for only when I pass the Actual and Budget but when i pass the other scenario Type like Scenariotype 1 to 8 I get the error Object is not set to an instance of an object. Dim Scenario As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Param_SecnarioType_EO_24") 'The above value i get it from the combo box as delimited list Dim Scenarioid As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,dimtype.Scenario.Id,Scenario) Dim MyScenarioTypeid As ScenarioType = BRApi.Finance.Scenario.GetScenarioType(si,Scenarioid) Dim Timefilter As String = args.CustSubstVarsAlreadyResolved("Param_Time_24") Dim Timeid As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,dimtype.Time.Id,Timefilter) Can you please help me with the correct way to get the scenario Type.88Views0likes2CommentsData source Connector - Nested Drill back
Hi, I am trying to build a Drill back functionality in one of data source connector business rules. I tried looking into One Stream reference guide on Data Source connector business rules and I found below reference for nested Drill back functionality. But practically when I tried to drill back on a drill back detail row, OS returns following message. The click on the drill back is not even calling the connector business rules any more. Can someone help me with the ways to code with nested drill backs. I tried to follow the examples from Golfstream application. Private Function GetDrillBackTypeList(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer, ByVal args As ConnectorArgs) As List(Of DrillBackTypeInfo) Try 'Create the SQL Statement Dim drillTypes As New List(Of DrillBackTypeInfo) If args.DrillCode.Equals(StageConstants.TransformationGeneral.DrillCodeDefaultValue, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Source GL Drill Down drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.FileShareFile, New NameAndDesc("InvoiceDocument", "Invoice Document"))) drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid, New NameAndDesc("MaterialTypeDetail", "Material Type Detail"))) ElseIf args.DrillCode.Equals("BOMDetail", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Material Type Drill Down drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid, New NameAndDesc("MaterialAllProducts", "Material All Products"))) drillTypes.Add(New DrillBackTypeInfo(ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid, New NameAndDesc("MaterialAllVendors", "Material All Vendors"))) End If Return drillTypes Catch ex As Exception Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex)) End Try End Function 'Execute specific drill back type Private Function GetDrillBack(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Transformer, ByVal args As ConnectorArgs, ByVal connectionString As String) As DrillBackResultInfo Try If args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("InvoiceDocument", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Level 1: Show FileShare File Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.FileShareFile drillBackInfo.DocumentPath = Me.GetDrillBackDocPath_L1(si, globals, api, args) Return drillBackInfo ElseIf args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("MaterialTypeDetail", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Level 1: Return Drill Back Detail Dim drillBackSQL As String = GetDrillBackSQL_L1(si, globals, api, args) Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid drillBackInfo.DataTable = api.Parser.GetXFDataTableForSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.OLEDB, connectionString, True, drillBackSQL, False, args.PageSize, args.PageNumber) Return drillBackInfo ElseIf args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("MaterialAllProducts", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Level 1: Return Drill Back Detail Dim drillBackSQL As String = GetDrillBackSQL_L2(si, globals, api, args, True, False) Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid drillBackInfo.DataTable = api.Parser.GetXFDataTableForSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.OLEDB, connectionString, True, drillBackSQL, False, args.PageSize, args.PageNumber) Return drillBackInfo ElseIf args.DrillBackType.NameAndDescription.Name.Equals("MaterialAllVendors", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then 'Level 1: Return Drill Back Detail Dim drillBackSQL As String = GetDrillBackSQL_L2(si, globals, api, args, False, True) Dim drillBackInfo As New DrillBackResultInfo drillBackInfo.DisplayType = ConnectorDrillBackDisplayTypes.DataGrid drillBackInfo.DataTable = api.Parser.GetXFDataTableForSQLQuery(si, DbProviderType.OLEDB, connectionString, True, drillBackSQL, False, args.PageSize, args.PageNumber) Return drillBackInfo Else Return Nothing End If Catch ex As Exception Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex)) End Try End Function Thanks, Mohan Alluri.Solved4.6KViews0likes12CommentsDimension members loading process using SIC
Hi all, I'm quite new to OS integration pieces and being struglled with a request from my client to load dimension members using their data lake, so the memebers would be updated automatically or by a scheduled event. The database is already configured at SIC and working fantastically well, however, I can't figure how to use it's features to load the metadata members to one of our UD dimensions. I read a lot of topics here in the forum, but couldn't find anything that matches my case. I already tried to create a Extender BR, but I'm getting a "Object variable or With block variable not set" error message when running the "api.Parser.ProcessSQLQuery" function. Not sure if I'm doing something extremely wrong, so I"m assuming that this part of the api must be used only within Connector BR's. I also trie to create a connector rule to do the job, but when setting it up at the dimension property, nothing happened (not sure if I missed something here). Any help on this will be really appreciated! Regards116Views0likes1Comment