-- START HERE -- Links to the "Key" KB articles -- Tax Provision
Here is a list of "KEY" KB articles with links. Many of the below KB articles contain links to other KB articles. Summary of the Tax Provision Functionality by Version What Types of Tax Provisioning Can Be Done Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100 Miscellaneous Information - Package Content Naming How to Import the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 1) How to Setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 2) What are the Necessary Activities to Start a New Tax Provision Year - "Actual" What are the Necessary Activities to Start a New Tax Provision Year - "Forecast" How to Save your Tax Provision Cube POV Where are the Tax Reports? How do I Get to the Tax Reports? SAMPLE FORMS -- Links to all the Sample Forms KB articles Design Assumptions Glossary Tax Cube Setup - XFW_TXP Create New FX Rate Types Metadata Components - Overview Business Rules - Overview Home Page Reports Sample Reports - Overview Data Integration Dashboards Schedules & Reports - PPT Help Files Workflow Forms/Schedule Notes Workflow Profiles Form Templates Cube Views Parameters Security Troubleshooting the Schedules Debugging a Dashboard Error Message - Cannot Determine the CubeRoot Profile that Workflow Profile [XFW_TXP_NotUsed] Bug - Schedule "03 FC Tax Attributes" - Linked CV Bug - (v8.0 & v8.1) - Load/Extract Screen - Extract Exceeds File Size Limit Bug - Schedule "06a Deferred Tax" - Input Open on Tax Losses and Tax Credits Bug - Schedule 07 Tax Account Reconciliation Translation Rule Bug - Translation Issue with Account "TXP_TxRperGL" Bug - Report 40c1 (Sch 10) - Wrong Year Parameter Is Tax Provision Upgradeable? Is Tax Provision Compatible with Version 8 (v8)? How Do I Know What Version of Tax Provision I Am Using? Adding the Refresh Button To a Toolbar Using a Time Profile With Weeks Remove the Word "Blueprint" Data Copy - What Happens When Different Entity Currencies are Involved? How to Create a "Sort" Check Box in our Dashboards (used in schedules or reports) Activating the "In Use" Metadata FeatureIs Tax Provision Compatible with Version 8 (v8)?
The most currently release of Tax Provision Blueprint (PV7.3.0 SV100) is compatible with version 8 (v8). Tax Provision releases prior to PV7.3.0 SV100 (PV6.2.0 SV300): Release PV6.2.2 SV300 is not compatible with version 8 (v8). Based on our testing, prior releases would only need a minor tweak in your business rules (BR's) where you reference a "Literal Parameter". You would first need to upgrade your OneStream platform to version 8. From there, you will need to compile all your business rules (BR's). A list of error messages will be generated. For Tax Provision, you should get the following "Warning" message: CASE 1: As long as when you upgraded your OneStream platform to version 8, you let the Tax Provision Dashboard default to the following location: Workspace / Default / Maintenance Units / XFW Tax Provision (TXP) The fix is to replace all the "old" references to get a literal parameter as follows: The default workspace is just an empty Guid, so if you aren't using a custom workspace, Guid.Empty should work as the 3rd parameter while keeping everything else the same. CASE 2: If you are using a non-default workspace, the DashboardExtenderArgs has a property to get the workspace, for example using it like this: BRApi.Dashboards.Parameters.GetLiteralParameterValue(si, false, args.PrimaryDashboard.WorkspaceID, "[YOUR DASHBOARD PARAMETER NAME GOES HERE]") Example: I want to get the literal parameter that is stored in a "non" Default Workspace. Note: The BR syntax that we are using below is only available starting in version 7.4.0 The syntax would be as follows: And if I write the "TestWorkspace" to the error log, I get the correct literal parameter: There will be several of these cases throughout all the business rule (BR) files. Note: If you have made additional customized enhancements to a prior release of Tax Provision, there may be other changes that are required to be v8 compatible.Where are the Tax Reports? How do I Get to the Tax Reports?
It may not be obvious how to get to the Tax Reports dashboard for the first time. First, select the "Tax Provision Blueprint" dashboard from the OnePlace / Dashboards / Tax Provision Blueprint. Next, click on the "house" icon in the upper right hand corner to access the Home Page for the Tax Provision Blueprint Reports. It will render the Tax Provision Blueprint reporting Home Page. Select a "Report Group" then select a "Report". Make sure that all the toolbar dropdown boxes have been populated with dimension members. If any dimension member dropdown boxes are blank, the report may not render or render using the "Cube POV" from the Point Of View pane. Click on the "Refresh Data" icon in the toolbar to display the report.Global Options Dashboard
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 37. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" Global Options The Global Options page contains eight properties that must be set before the start of any unit testing. After defining the Entity Dimension, set the Tax Entity hierarchy and the other Global Options. These settings cannot be saved until all options are set. It is recommended you not change these settings after loading data. Note: All Global Options settings are saved to literal parameters. Access the Setting dashboard from here: Access to the “Global Setup” page is limited to both the OneStream security group “Administrators” and to the security group that is selected on the Global Setup page. There is an XFBR rule in TXP_ParamHelper where the security group is evaluated. Note: The “Administrators” security group “bypasses” all other security groups. This XFBR rule is referenced on the dashboard component “btn_ShowSettings_TXP”. If a user is in this security group, then they will see the “Settings” icon in the upper right-hand corner… and have access to this page: Note: The "Security Role (Manage Tax Setup)" is only used to limit user access to the Global Setup page. It is not used anywhere else in the Tax Provision Blueprint application. However, it doesn't limit you from using it elsewhere in the application as you setup security groups. Select the Entity Dimension and Entity The Entity (Hierarchy) is referenced in rules and parameters. In the drop-down list box, select the Entity Dimension and then highlight the top-level tax provision legal entity parent. Security Role (Manage Tax Setup): You now have the ability to use a specific security group to control access to this Global Setup page. You do not have to use the OneStream security group “Administrators”. Seed Year A 4-digit Dashboard Parameter used in the initial configuration of Tax Provision Blueprint to store the seed year of the application. This parameter is used in Business Rules to calculate tax provision data. For Bulk Copy (Return Data) - RTP Range of Years Select how many years prior to the workflow that you want available when copying the national to local return data (bulk or single POV copy). The default is “3”. Valid values are 1 to 5. This value is used in Schedules DM 20b / DM20bAdmin, DM 20b2 / DM20b2Admin, DM 30b / DM30bAdmin, and DM 30b1 / DM30b1Admin. Sch 03 Expiration Year (lower limit) A 4-digit Dashboard Parameter is used to limit what the user can input as the lower limit expiration year for Schedule 3, but only in the Seed Year. Sch 03 Expiration Year (upper limit) A 2-digit Dashboard Parameter is used to limit what the user can input as the maximum expiration year for Schedule 3. This 2-digit value is added to the current WF (Workflow Year). Sch 04 Tax Year (lower limit) A 4-digit Dashboard Parameter is used to limit what the user can input as the lower limit tax year for Schedule 4. Important! All fields in Global Options must contain a valid response in order to save.How to Setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 2)
After you have completed Step 1: KB article "How to Import the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 1), you are now ready to update metadata and adjust some configurations to meet your specific application requirements. The following is a summary of the topics to be considered. Please see the attached Word doc. for more detail (the doc. is still being put together). (1) Update Metadata Update the imported scenarios XFW_TXP_Scenarios. Delete what is not required. Update the imported Flows XFW_TXP_Flows. Update UD1 (Jurisdictions) XFW_TXP_UD1: Remove countries & jurisdictions you are not using. Add countries & jurisdictions that are missing. Update UD2 (Data Type) XFW_TXP_UD2. Update the imported Accounts XFW_TXP_Accounts. Please see the KB article "Dimension Member Names - Renaming and Deleting". This will show you which dimension members can be renamed or deleted. (2) Update Cube Views Update Cube Views for the new accounts - specifically for Sch 02, 05, 06 and all the associated row templates. Update Cube Views for the any new UD2 members - specifically for Sch 07. (3) Update Parameters Review and update the following parameters: Tax_BaseLevelTimePeriods_TXP WFYearBasePeriods_ML_TXP TimeZone_Footer_TXP SourceFCSTScenarios_TXP FCSTScenarios_Sch1f_TXP Select_Report_Scenario_TXP Select_Report_FCSTScenario_TXP Tax_Countries_NoBase_TXP Tax_Entities_NatGF_TXP Tax_Entities_noNatGF_TXP UD7_Sch05c_NatGF_TXP (4) FX Rates Enter in all the appropriate FX rates. (5) Update the Schedule / Report PPT Help Files Each schedule and report has an associated PPT help file (click on the ? icon) that should be reviewed and updated to be client/application specific. (6) Confirmation Rules Review the Confirmation rules. Delete, update, rename and/or create new ones as necessary. (7) Security Create security groups and attach them to the appropriate dimension members.Summary of the Tax Provision Functionality by Version
Below are the versions of Tax Provision with it's associated functionality. There is an attached zip file that has all the Release Notes for each version. Note: Tax Provision Blueprint is not an upgradeable solution. PV430 SV100 - release date: Nov 30, 2018 (referred to as Dev01) Initial launch of Tax Provision. Feature Functionality National jurisdiction tax provision. PV511 SV100 - release date: Sep. 23, 2020 (referred to as Dev02) Feature Functionality The Tax Provision solution now supports the ability to compute Local Tax Provisions. UD1 now includes Local Jurisdictions. Business Rules now calculate both National and Local Jurisdictions. All Schedules have the ability to display either the National Jurisdiction or any one of the Local Jurisdictions. Added the ability for an entity to receive a National Tax Benefit from Local Jurisdiction(s). Where applicable, Schedules will suppress specific rows or columns that are not related to the selected Jurisdiction, allowing the same Schedule to be used for different purposes. See KB article: "Release Video - PV5.1.0 SV100" Additional Enhancements The Tax Provision Setup Instructions contain detailed information for all implementers and Administrators regarding the use of Schedules in both the Seed Year and the years after the Seed Year. There is now a Tax Provision Dashboard which includes a Home page. There is now a Settings page that is accessible from the Tax Provision Dashboard. The top line in each Schedule now shows the Calc Status. Schedule row and column descriptions now include data origination and destination. Also, specific data cells will display a colored box around them to indicate where data is expected. Analysis Cube Views were created and can be attached to a Workflow. The SaveDataEventHandler Business Rule now validates the years that a user enters into Schedules 2, 3, and 4. Error messages will pop up when trying to save or calculate incorrectly entered years. These messages contain corrective instructions. An Admin Cube View (available in OnePlace) is provided to help the Administrator pre-populate the Origin Year for Schedule 3. The Start Year is now referred to as the Seed Year. Form Templates are now created using Dashboards rather than Cube Views. The main Finance Business Rule (TXP_BusinessRules) has been re-organized and is better structured for understanding and maintenance. RTP - Return Year must be set and no longer defaults to the prior year. In Schedule 3, the data for UD2 member “CY > -19” no longer rolls off the schedule, but rather is added to the last year’s balance. PV620 SV100 - release date: Sep 24, 2021 (referred to as Dev03) Feature Functionality The Tax Provision solution now supports the ability to calculate a tax provision with or without Group Filings (GF): National and/or Local jurisdictions. Workflows are used extensively to facilitate the different tax provision setups for group filing or no group filing. The Entity dimension has 2 new Text 7 properties required for group filing: “NatFiler=Yes” and “LocalFiler=Yes”. The UD1 National JD has a Text 2 requirement for National GF: “NatGF=Yes”. The UD7 dimension is now being used to hold the group filing entities. New schedules have been created to allow the users to enter in Group Filing Definitions. The Finance BR “TXP_BusinessRules” has been updated for the UD7 dimension. See KB article: "Release Video - PV6.2.0 SV100" Additional Enhancements Additional UD8 members have been added for dynamic reporting. There are now ten Form Template Profiles to assist with the different types of workflows. The tenth one being the Admin profile. All schedules now have an attached PPT file. These files can be customizable to each application. Schedules no longer have an Instructions section below the POV / above the cube view. Instead, we now have a PPT help file with the instructions in it. This saves on the schedule’s real estate space. All schedules now include a vertical and horizontal moveable splitter bar. Five new copy schedules have been added – DM 10a, DM 10b1, DM 10b2, DM 30a and DM 30b. DM 10a is used to copy the National provision data to the National filer entity. Several new Data Management jobs have been created to assist with copying data and annotations. There are now Scenario formulas on both Actual scenarios that impact the first period of the following year when a calculate is done in period 12. These can be removed or changed based on your specific app. Four Forecast scenarios have been created for reference only. FX rates and Excel data files are included with sample data that can be loaded into the Tax Provision app. Schedules that start with a “DM” represents a Data Management job that copies data or cell text. Schedules that start with a “LP” represents Local Processing for local jurisdictions. PV620 SV200 - release date: Feb 28, 2022 (referred to as Dev04) Feature Functionality The Tax Provision solution now supports the ability to execute a bulk data copy: Allows National group filers to copy the national preparation data to the filer member. Allows copy from National to Local jurisdictions. The GLTaxAdmin workflow allows you to process all the different country bulk data copies from one workflow. A new Finance business rule was created called “TXP_CustomCalcs” which is used to calculate the new Time Stamp for the bulk data copy dashboards. Additional Enhancements Several reports now have a combo box selection to select the number of decimal places to display for percentages. The Tax Provision dashboard home page for reports is now divided into two panes – Report Groups and Reports. Several reports now have a check box to allow you to sort the entities in the combo box. Reports now let you select the time period (month) for the report and assumes the workflow year you are in. This means that the user does not have to be in a specific workflow period to run a report. PV620 SV300 - release date: Jul 10, 2023 (referred to as Dev05_Dscr) Feature Functionality The Tax Provision solution now supports Interim Reporting computations for the current year. Option to calculate a full year forecast for the current period. Ability to calculate the Interim Reporting Run Rate in the forecast scenario. Added classification of discrete items to facilitate Interim Reporting. Includes Losses Not Benefited computation. Consolidated Interim Reporting Run Rate is used to calculate and report the Applied Interim Reporting Effective Tax Rate. We have assumed that the workflow profiles are the same for Actual as well as for Forecast scenarios. Single year Forecast scenarios are set up to use the Scenario Type of “ScenarioType8”. Six new FX rate types have been added that are used on forecast scenarios. New sets of schedules have been created for Forecast scenarios. New Forecast Tax Reviewer reports have been created. We added the ability to do a bulk copy of last year’s CY tax rates & last year’s Deferred tax rates into the current year. This is only done in period 1. See KB article: "Tax Provisioning Blueprint Overview - PV6.2.0 SV300" See KB article: "Release Video - PV6.2.0 SV300" Additional Enhancements Added parent account TXP_TIBeforeLosswNatBen to allow the National Benefit Deduction to be included when creating a tax loss. We added a new Global Setting page option for a security group. All schedules and Reports now have a “Refresh Data” button in the toolbar. We added the “Sticky POV” concept on the schedules. This will hold your POV as you go from schedule to schedule. Reports will now automatically hold your POV (same as the Sticky POV concept). Schedule column headers now indicate if there are linked CV’s in that column. Additional Actual Tax Reviewer reports have been created. Multi-year Forecast scenarios are set up to use the Scenario Type of “ScenarioType7”, but we have not explored that avenue in this release. PV730 SV100 - release date: Jan 15, 2024 (referred to as Dev06) Feature Functionality Lots of new reports were created and updated. See KB article: "Tax Provisioning Blueprint Overview - PV7.3.0 SV100" Additional Enhancements Added the UD1 "Total Local" member to the toolbar combo boxes. Added monthly, quarterly & yearly confirmation rules for forecast scenarios. BR's - changed the reference for "RemoveZero" to "RemoveNoData" - specifically for forecast scenarios. FX calculations were updated to include local FX due to multiple translations. Documented which dimension members can be "renamed", "deleted" or not touched. The Waterfall graph (80a) no longer uses BR’s for the graph. There is now a new Advance Chart called “Waterfall” that has the same functionality as the BR.Can I Rename the "XFW_TXP" Tax Cube?
Simply put - No. The Cube name is used throughout the entire application. We recommend that you also use the cube name “XFW_TXP” in your application. The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 41. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Tax Cube Setup - XFW_TXP" Cube - XFW_TXP The XFW_TXP Cube is the organizational structure that holds the Tax Provision Blueprint data. Related XFW_TXP Cubes may need to be created for OneStream Linked Cube application designs if entries are necessary on the Cube References tab of this Cube (depending on Entity Dimension assigned and if Extensible Dimensionality is in play). If you opt to not use the Cube name “XFW_TXP”, then extensive search and replace will be required on all objects in the Tax Provision Blueprint application. Therefore, changing the Cube name is NOT recommended. There are 780 references to the "XFW_TXP" tax cube name in the Blueprint app. Searching through the application zip file, the break down by file type is as follows: ApplicationDashboards.xml 150 references ConfirmationRules.xml 5 references CubeViews.xml 294 references DataManagement.xml 97 references DataSources.xml 1 reference FormTemplates.xml 0 references Metadata.xml 13 references ParserBusinessRule.xml 0 references TransformationRules.xml 1 reference WorkflowProfiles.xml 219 references If you opt to rename the tax cube, we strongly recommend complete comprehensive testing of ALL functionality.FX Rates
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 48. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Create New FX Rate Types" FX Rates TXP_YTDAverageRate – YTD Average Rate is the FX Rate Type that is used with the Tax Provision Blueprint application for revenue and expense (activity) currency translation for the TXP_Actual and TXP_ActualRTP scenarios. In addition, Tax Provision Blueprint leverages monthly Closing Rates for asset and liability translation. Tax Provision Blueprint uses the Rule Type of Periodic for translation of revenues and expenses, and the Rule Type of Direct for translation of assets and liabilities. There are three forecast FX average rates and three forecast FX closing rates that are used with these forecast scenarios: TXP_FCST_M5 TXP_FCST_Q2 TXP_FCST_Q3 Cube Setup: Actual Scenario Setup:Create New FX Rate Types
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 25. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "FX Rates" Create New FX Rate Types When the Development application is refreshed from the Production application, the Administrator must manually create the seven new FX Rate Types in the target OneStream application before beginning the installation and file import processes. The FX Rate Type contains a unique GUID identity code for each application at the time it is created, alleviating potential conflicts caused by importing the FX Rate Type with a conflicting GUID from another application. To create a new FX Rate Type: From the application tab, click Cube > FX Rates. On the FX Rates tab, click Create or Edit FX Rate Type and type the following information: Name: TXP_YTDAverageRate Description: YTD Average Rate Click OK. Repeat the process for the other FX rates as follows: After you have successfully added all these FX Rate Types, import the Tax Provision Blueprint “zip” file. Important! These seven FX rate types must exist in the app before you can successfully load in the application zip file. Attached is a file that contains the additional FX Rate Types that are used in the Tax Provision Blueprint application. This file allows you to load in the FX Rate Types rather than manually creating them. This must be done prior to loading in the XML file. This file contains the 7 additional FX Rate Types.How to Import the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 1)
We strongly suggest that you first install the MarketPlace Tax Provision Blueprint in a Test environment / Test App as a stand alone app. From there, you can export the objects that you need into a recent copy of your Production app that is in your Dev environment. Why do we say this? The Tax Provision Blueprint installation includes test entities, related metadata, and workflows, all which will need to be removed. It is strongly recommended that this removal and the related addition of customer entities, metadata and workflows be performed in a development environment, and that the production migration be planned from this updated development environment. Here are the high level steps required to import & setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app into your Dev environment. This "Step 1" KB article will walk you through: Installing the MarketPlace app into a Test environment / Test app. This app will be your reference app with test entities and test workflow profiles. Export only the required objects from your Test environment / Test app. Import the required objects into your Dev environment / Dev app. Configure the Tax Provision app in your Dev environment / Dev app. so that you have a working Tax Provision application. Note: Additional metadata updates and system configurations will still be required. Please see KB article "How to Setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 2)". (1) Download and Install the MarketPlace app in a Test Environment/App The app in this environment will be a complete install including test entities and test workflows. This will be your Tax Provision app to reference. Download the MarketPlace Tax Provision Blueprint app Create a test app Create the required FX Rate Types or load in the FX Rate Type file Load in the downloaded "xml" file Load in the SaveDataEventHandler BR (2) Export the Tax Objects from the Test Environment/App Only specific objects need to be exported then import into your Dev. app. Export Metadata - All Business Rules, all Dimensions (except XFW_TXP_Entities, FIN_Entities_TXP), exclude Time Dimension Profiles & Cubes Export Cube Views - All Business Rules, Groups & Profiles Export Form Templates - All Groups & Profiles Export Data Management - All Groups Export Confirmation Rules - All Groups and Profiles Export Extensibility Rules - only the SaveDataEventHandler Export the Dashboards - All Business Rules, Workspaces, Profiles Export the new FX Rate Types - seven in total (3) Import The Tax Objects into your Dev Environment/App This Dev app. should be a recent copy of your Production app. The following steps must be done in this order: Create the Tax Cube (XFW_TXP) - (to be configured later on) Load/Create the necessary FX Rate Types Import the Metadata file Import the Cube View file Import the Form Templates file Import the Data Management file Import the Confirmation Rule file (need the cube to be created) Import the Dashboard file If you already have a "SaveDataEventHandler" BR, copy in the Tax BR section. If there is no "SaveDataEventHandler" BR, then you can load in the file. (4) Configure Tax Provision in the Dev Environment/App The Tax Provision Blueprint app comes with a very comprehensive "Instruction Guide" that we strongly encourage you to read. Create an Entity hierarchy for Tax or use an existing hierarchy (ie: Finance...). Configure the Entities. Add the "TXP_GLTaxAdmin" entity as a sibling of the Tax entity hierarchy. Make sure you update the proper properties. XFW_TXP Cube - Update the Cube Properties, the Cube Dimensions, the Cube References and Integration settings. See your Test environment / Test app for examples. Update the Application Properties, if necessary. Update the Global Setup Dashboard for the Entity dimension, the Tax Entity hierarchy and the security group access. Update the other settings if necessary. Update UD7 (Group Filing) XFW_TXP_UD7: Remove Blueprint entities. Remove countries you are not using. Add new countries and entities that are using Group Filing. Must be exactly as they appear in the Entity dimension. If you are not using Group Filing at all, remove all the Blueprint entities and countries. Remember to keep the minimum required members. Set a "Cube POV" for the XFW_TXP tax cube. There should be no "?" for any dimension member. Create "test" Workflow Profiles to validate the Schedules. See your Test environment / Test app for examples.