Account sign flip based on time
Hi everyone We want to do a sign flip on an account to be applicable from a certain period. The sign flip must therefore not have an affect on historic periods. The requirement is as follows: Perform a sign flip on an account data coming from a source system using a transformation rule complex expression where the month period is > 202412. We would appreciate suggestion from anyone who has performed something similar in the past. Thanks Johan39Views0likes2CommentsSlow performances with dynamic accounts export
Hello, We experience performance problems when we try to export Onestream data for insertion into a third-party system. For 100 entities and 12 months, processing takes 20 hours and is often killed by the system. Apparently, it's the dynamic accounts that take up a lot of time during extraction. Do you have the same problem and what are the solutions to optimize the export? Thanks8Views0likes0CommentsAudit trail for O#Import data
Hi, I've been looking into the audit trails for O#Forms and O#Import data. The audit trail for O#Forms data seems to be in good shape, with changes tracked in tables like DataEntryAuditCell and DataEntryAuditSource. For O#Import data, I've found some audit information in the staging area tables, such as StageArchivesInformation and vStageSummaryTargetData. However, this doesn't cover everything - for example, it doesn't account for data that's been imported but not yet loaded into the cube, or data imported using a business rule. Is there a way to get a more complete audit trail for O#Import data, that focus on the Cube data rather than Stage data?12Views0likes0CommentsExtract of all artifacts-names only
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to get an extracted list of all artifacts within an environment by artifact types such as business rules, transformation rules, cube view names. I am only interested in getting the names/metadata of each artifact and not the actual data from the artifact. I would like to put these in an excel workbook. Thanks! Manuel16Views0likes1Commentcopying quarterly inputted data into Monthly scenario
Hi, want to copy quarterly input data through business rule. the destination scenario is defined as monthly input. in the destination code , i want to specify months which system doesn't allow. we need pass in DM Job. As i have several quarters to copy , can anybody share some thoughts how we can achieve this. Thanks, Swadhin.16Views0likes2CommentsIs it possible to setData using SaveDataEventHandler?
Hi everyone, We’ve been using the SaveDataEventHandler to prevent users from submitting zero values for a specific scenario and flow. While the error message works perfectly in the Cube Views, we’ve encountered an issue when users try to submit a zero from Excel—no error message is displayed. From what I’ve read, error messages don’t work in Excel. As a workaround, we’re considering a different approach: instead of throwing an error when a zero is submitted, we would save the zero as NotStored (dataCellStorageType.NotStored) and NoData (dataCellExistenceType.NoData). However, despite our efforts, we can’t get SaveData to function as expected. Has anyone encountered this issue or have any ideas? Dim ScenarioName As String = "Actual" Dim FlowMember As String = "USDOverrideEndBal" If args.NewDataCell.DataCellPK.ScenarioId = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si, dimtype.Scenario.Id, ScenarioName) Then If args.NewDataCell.DataCellPK.FlowId = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si, dimtype.Flow.Id, FlowMember) Then If args.NewDataCell.DataCellPK.OriginId = DimConstants.Forms Then 'Check if it's Real Data If args.NewDataCell.CellStatus.IsRealData Then 'Check if it's a hard zero If args.NewDataCell.CellAmount = 0 Then Dim NewNumber As Decimal = 0 args.NewDataCell.SetData(NewNumber, dataCellExistenceType.NoData, dataCellStorageType.NotStored) End If End If End If End If End If Return args Thanks, Victor18Views0likes0CommentsPassing parameters from a user defined workspace to a DM process and Business Rule
When creating a dashboard in the default workspace you are able to pass dashboard parameter values to the data management sequence through the parameter section of the execution script: You can also use an Input Value parameter and create an extender process to populate the Input Value and then retrieve that value for a DM sequence or BR. However, when using user defined workspaces, I have only been able to successfully pass parameter values from a dashboard using a literal value (process on combo box executes a rule to populate a literal value with the most recent user selection, literal value is read by DM and BR processes). The issue with this literal value process is that the value is left at the value from the last execution of combo box selection so it requires the user to change the value to some other value, then reset the value to ensure the literal value has a valid stored value. Additionally, this process if being used by multiple users, may cause confusion if two users are changing combo boxes thus resetting literal values without knowing that the other users is changing the value. Is there no other way to reference user defined workspace parameter values like in the argument selections in the Server Task settings? I have seen some instances where the workspace ID can be referenced, however I don't see an examples of using some type of similar format for parameters (e.g. WorkspaceID.|!SomeParameter!|).96Views0likes1Commentperformance issue.
Hello OneStream Community, I am working with a Cube View where I need to display the Income Statement data for the end of every year (December). The data should show up as the beginning balance for the January month in the subsequent year. To achieve this, I used a Row Override1 member filter with the formula T#povprioryearm12. The Cube View includes four dimensions: Entity, Division, Cost Center, and Accounts. However, I am experiencing slow loading times when the view is being accessed. it is not exporting to Excel to validate. I would like to know if there are any best practices or strategies for improving the performance of the Cube View in this scenario. Are there specific optimizations I should consider for the member filter, the dimensions, or the Cube View configuration to reduce loading times? Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!59Views0likes3CommentsBusiness Rules for new OS implementation
Hi, we are implementing OS at present, and this is our first-ever project in OneStream; I need guidance on Business Rules. I am not sure what business rules we need to consider after and before we import the data from the Client system to match the client's legacy system data with OneStream numbers. Thanks, PreetiSolved67Views0likes2Comments