Forum Discussion
A ticket needs to be submitted for the support team to update their Database storage method to use the BinaryDataRecord Tables versus the way we store monthly data. Both sets of tables are created when the application is created but unless you specify a weekly time calendar the binary tables are not used. If a client is on a version prior to weekly, reports will definitely change (Teams is one of these clients where it likely will). Reason being is those prior clients likely would have used ".Base" in their time expansions which if weekly will display the weeks.All monthly reports should use ".Months" and ".weeks" or ".base" for weekly reporting. Here are some other common weekly misconceptions i've had to go over with clients....
1. you cannot have two input frequencies on a scenario (they vary by year only). So for example, you've have to create a ActualWeekly, ForecastWeekly for any scenario you currently have for Actual, Budget for Forecast that you'd want to collect weekly data for.
2. once weekly, ALL cubes are weekly, a lot of people think this varies by cube (i wish it did) but it doesn't.
3. check the timdimhelpers used on any formulas or BR's like forecast seeding where we may be getting the period number.
4. Most if not all clients I've done weekly calendars for have to use a Custom Calendar because of the extra week every 7 years, needs to be defined when the calendar is defined. This follows a specific schedule and that 53rd week always goes in the same month, usually December.
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