Changing Historical Data in Periodic Form in YTD Scenario
We are currently building a simple form for Shipping Days that allows a user to input an entire year's worth of shipping days all at once. We want this to be a Periodic view to align with how the client thinks about shipping days for each month. We are entering the data into our Actual scenario, which has a Default View of YTD. The below screenshot shows the basic form structure and the YTD row is there for reference.
The initial data entry worked great. However, if I go back to a previous period to change a periodic value, I want the new periodic value to update for that month and keep the remaining periodic values the same. However, changing a periodic value squeezes the difference into the next month to keep that month's YTD value the same. In the below screenshot, Cell (1) was changed from 23 to 18 in March 2022. The March 2022 YTD amount updated accordingly. However, the periodic amount in April 2022 (Cell (2)) automatically changed from 20 to 25 so that the YTD amounts for April 2022 onwards (Cell (3)) remain unchanged.
Are there any settings that can be changed for this particular account so that it prioritizes the Periodic amounts over the YTD amounts when changes are made?