Fetching text property by time
Hi, I'm trying to display a time-variant text property of the UD1 dimension member in a report. The challenge is that the text value can exist in any period of the member, so I currently loop through the forecast periods (spanning two years) to retrieve the values. While the code works, its performance is not good.
Is there a way to fetch or look up the text properties by time (possibly from a specific table) without iterating through all periods? Any command or optimized approach to achieve this efficiently would be highly appreciated.
Dim Date As String = $"{year}M{month}"
Dim timeID As Integer = timedimhelper.getidfromname("Date")
Dim myVaryByTimeId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,DimType.Time.Id, Date)
Dim mbrText As String = BRApi.Finance.UD.Text(si, 9, mbrId, 1, -1, myVaryByTimeId)