Forum Discussion

dinishkrishna's avatar
New Contributor II
2 days ago

Fetching text property by time


Hi,  I'm trying to display a time-variant text property of the UD1 dimension member in a report. The challenge is that the text value can exist in any period of the member, so I currently loop through the forecast periods (spanning two years) to retrieve the values. While the code works, its performance is not good.

Is there a way to fetch or look up the text properties by time (possibly from a specific table) without iterating through all periods? Any command or optimized approach to achieve this efficiently would be highly appreciated.

Dim Date As String = $"{year}M{month}"   
Dim timeID As Integer = timedimhelper.getidfromname("Date")
Dim myVaryByTimeId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,DimType.Time.Id, Date)
Dim mbrText As String = BRApi.Finance.UD.Text(si, 9, mbrId, 1, -1, myVaryByTimeId)

  • Hi,

    When you say performance is not good, what do you mean can you quantify? Also can you paste the code snippet you are using and is proving to be inefficient?


    • dinishkrishna's avatar
      New Contributor II

      It takes around 10 minutes to loop through 2 years. I'm inserting the values into a table and displaying the results of that table in a dashboard. Here is my Dashboard Extender code:

      Dim strStartPeriod As String = "2025M1"
      Dim strEndPeriod As String = "2026M12"
      Dim strStartPeriodId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetIdFromName(si,strStartPeriod)
      Dim strEndPeriodId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetIdFromName(si,strEndPeriod)
      Dim startYear As Integer = Integer.Parse(strStartPeriod.Substring(0, 4))
      Dim startMonth As Integer = Integer.Parse(strStartPeriod.Substring(5))
      Dim endYear As Integer = Integer.Parse(strEndPeriod.Substring(0, 4))
      Dim endMonth As Integer = Integer.Parse(strEndPeriod.Substring(5))
      For year As Integer = startYear To endYear
          Dim maxMonth As Integer = If(year = endYear, endMonth, 12) ' Stop at endMonth in the final year
          Dim minMonth As Integer = If(year = startYear, startMonth, 1) ' Start at startMonth in the initial year
      For month As Integer = minMonth To maxMonth
      Dim priorMonth As Integer = 0
      Dim priorYear As Integer = 0
      If month = 1 Then 
      priorMonth = 12
      priorYear = Year - 1
      priorMonth = month -1
      priorYear = year
      End If
              Dim Date As String = $"{year}M{month}"   
      Dim timeID As Integer = timedimhelper.getidfromname("Date")
      Dim myVaryByTimeId As Integer = BRApi.Finance.Members.GetMemberId(si,DimType.Time.Id, Date)
      Dim mbrText As String = BRApi.Finance.UD.Text(si, 9, mbrId, 2, -1, myVaryByTimeId)
      If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mbrText) Then
      Dim sqlQuery As New Text.StringBuilder
      sqlQuery.AppendLine("INSERT INTO MemberTextbyDate_Table ")
      sqlQuery.AppendLine("(MemberId , MemberName, MemberDescription, Text, Date) ")
      sqlQuery.AppendLine($" VALUES ('{mbrId}', '{Mbr}', '{desc}', {mbrText}','{Date}'); ")
      End If