Forum Discussion

Davy's avatar
3 years ago

How can I direct message to community Admin?

Where can I find attachments to posts (in community)?

Happy Spring everyone!!

How can I direct message to community Admin?

Our community Admin gave an excellent hint on how to send email notification in link below:

He claimed to have attached  UTM_EmailLateTasksHelper Business Rule to his answer, but I don't see it.
I would like to direct message him and request that he posts his business rule.

  • Attachments are attached to relevant posts.  Generally there are not a lot of attachments.  The ones that are at the bottom of the post.  Such as this example.   Generally there should not be many files as code can be posted directly in the community and becomes searchable.

    OSAdmin is a generic account that was used to post content and should not be a long term account.   It was used to post history but you can send a private message in the community by using the email box at the top.  

    The better way for your questions about the community would be to direct it to

    Good catch about the attachment , i will go back and look for it in the source material to see if i can find it.   

    Thank you





  • Hi Davy   

    We attached the original file to the original post.   It seems that files have been removed with code in text.  Thanks for pointing that out, there may be more. 


  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Attachments are attached to relevant posts.  Generally there are not a lot of attachments.  The ones that are at the bottom of the post.  Such as this example.   Generally there should not be many files as code can be posted directly in the community and becomes searchable.

    OSAdmin is a generic account that was used to post content and should not be a long term account.   It was used to post history but you can send a private message in the community by using the email box at the top.  

    The better way for your questions about the community would be to direct it to

    Good catch about the attachment , i will go back and look for it in the source material to see if i can find it.   

    Thank you





  • OSAdmin's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Davy   

    We attached the original file to the original post.   It seems that files have been removed with code in text.  Thanks for pointing that out, there may be more.