Forum Discussion
Hi Team,
Please take a look at the current Design and Reference Guide for details on this topic. OS R8.4 has additional functionalities that are very helpful.
Extracting/Loading Journal Details via BRApi
Users can export journal details into a CSV or XSLX file and load journals from a CSV or XSLX file
by configuring an Extensibility Business Rule (Snippet available). This allows journal details to be extracted from one
application and loaded into another. Users can also extract the journal, make changes, and reload.
Extract Journals to CSV.
Use BRApi.Journals.Data.ExportJournalstoCSV and define the session, filepath, Workflow
Profile, Scenario, Time Filter, and Journal Status.
BRApi.Journals.Data.ExportJournalsToCsv(si, filePath, "Houston", "Actual", "T#|WFYear|.Base",
Option 3.
Export journals from within the journals page. This is useful when you are more comfortable using
a spreadsheet tool to edit journal data. You can export data from one area in OneStream and
import it into another area or application.
1. Click Export to open the Select Journals to Export dialog. Workflow profile and scenario
are locked.
2. Type a Time Filter using the T# syntax. For example, T#2023M1, or for multiple time
periods, T#2023M1,T#2023M2.
3. Type a Journal Status. Select a single journal status or select All to include all statuses.
4. Type a Journal Name. This optional step will find all journals that contain the text you type.
5. Click OK to generate an XLSX file with journals that match the selected criteria.
6. In the File Explorer dialog, browse to where you want to save the XLSX file. Data from all
journals that match the selection criteria is saved.
Always refer to the design and Reference Guide for details.
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