Using this prompt, what 6 transformation rules need to be built? Currently I have:
1. View YTD to YTD on a one-to-one
2. Account * mask
3. Entities * mask
4. UD 3 * mask
Huron Energy Servic...
Because the account is the dimension you need to drive to two different accounts (depending on function), I would bring in the account at the data source level in 3 parts as example below:
GLAcctDim first column is column 2 in file in example below
GLAcctDim second column is a simple "_" static value
GLAcctDim third column is column 3 in file (aka your Function) in example below
In this way you have concatenated the account and function in your account field. Then in mapping you now have what you need to drive certain accounts to C and other accounts to G. For any accounts where this does not matter you can do mask mappings.
So for example if you have an account 12345 which just has one account (with no C or G) then your mapping can be 12345* ==> 12345