I am trying to build a cubeview wherein if i select actual scenario the comparative scenario come Budget Forecast and PY whereas if i select my comparison scenario is PY Fcst or PY. Is there a way wi...
I would choose an XFBR but trying this without any coding is also fun. an option could be to use a text property of the scenario, lets assume text1 is still free. In the scenario that you want to use as a comparison you can populate the text1 with the scenarios that it needs to be visible for. So in Budget Text1 you type Actual. Then in your column selection you select first a column with your workflow scenario (assuming you work from the workflow) thus S#WF, in your second column you say S#Root.base.where(Text1 contains |WFScenario|) Since you use contains you can concattenate ActualBudgetForecast for a scenario that you want to have visible for all three. Samples of the Where clause are in the member filter builder: