Using ParamHelper for CubeViews (Scenario driven by Time Selected)
I am currently working on creating a ParamHelper business rule to be used in a CubeView. The goal is to have the S#scenario driven by the time dimension parameter selected by the user, rather than by the workflow time. For example, if T# contains M1, the scenario that should be returned is S#Projection. I would appreciate any pointers or guidance.
Thanks in advance for your help!
The code you posted will return as follows:
S#Projection1 for periods M1, M2, M3, M10, M11, and M12.
S#Projection2 for periods M4, M5, M6
S#Projection3 for periods M7, M8, M9
S#Projection4 - neverThe code will never return "S#Projection4" because that If statement will never get called. See my first comment. above.
You have a couple choices. Use .EndsWith() or put this evaluation first:
If wfTime.Contains("M10") Or wfTime.Contains ("M11") Or wfTime.Contains ("M12") Then
Return "S#Projection4"