Forum Discussion
- db_pdxValued Contributor
Hi CarlosAlvear: what is the frequency that the report will be refreshed? If it's not high, this feels like a strong candidate for a Report Book with a Loop component.
You can have the report generate each account-report-combo and have it all exported to Excel in one go.
Reference Materials:
- ABott73New Contributor II
Hi Carlos, the workaround I used for a similar example was to generate a macro that would loop through each of the sheets, apply the relevant parameter member and then just refresh the specific sheet / tab. If that helps? This was a while back but I don't think there has been any update to be able to perform this directly. Thanks Andy
- JonKunertContributor II
Carlos, I feel your pain, I submitted the same request a couple months ago. The work around sucks as it just adds more maintenance. I had to make 20+ extra workaround Cubeviews, The all reference the same Row and Column Cubeviews to help limit the maintenance.
- ABott73New Contributor II
Sorry I was meant to add that the macro workaround was still only pointing to one CubeView and so I didn't need to create copies of the original.
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