Forum Discussion

Madesh's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Headers for Dimension in Cube view


We have created a cube view report with nested dimensions in row. Our requirement is to add header for each dimension. Attached the screenshot for reference. Could you please let us  know how to add the header in this case.

Thanks & Regards,

Madesh K

4 Replies

  • Hi Madesh 

    Try this --

    Turn "Use Default Row Headers" to False and select the headers dimensions you want to display. Hope this helps!



    Mustafa A


  • Hi, 

    We have created the report with nested row combinations such as Member Expansion1 with U1#Parent.Base, Member Expansion2 with U2#Parent.Base, Member Expansion3 with U3#Parent.Base and Member Expansion4 with U4#Parent.Base. Members are appearing correctly in row wise but need to have heading with dimension name at attached screenshot level. I have updated the "Use Default Row Headers" option but still no dimension name is showing at header level. Could you please let me know if any other option to show the dimension name in header level (See attached screen shot for header level).