Forum Discussion

MarkusWipp's avatar
2 years ago

Using XFBR in CubeView for Cell Format

Hi all,  I'm looking for a possibility to dynamically create a Cell Format via an XFBR Rule. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work, but also does not give an error message. Could someone please let...
  • db_pdx's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Markus: you can definitely use XFBR strings in the cell format.  Try a super basic format to ensure you have syntax, spelling, etc. correct (something like TextColor = Red).  Also, XFBR's in the conditional portion of cell formatting get picky.  If that is where things aren't working, we'll need a bit more detail on what you are trying to accomplish.

    Just for reference, here are a few ways to do parameterized formatting:

    • Use parameters as options for the cell format.  Example:   Scale = |!Select_Scale!|   (which can be a delimited list or other param)
    • Use a literal value parameter with nested parameters of options.  Example: |!DefaultFormatting!| is a literal string of formatting options.  It can include additional parameters within it that will be evaluated, like the scale option above.
    • Use XFBR as options for the cell format. Same concept as the select scale but with the right-hand side as an XFBR string rather than parameter.
    • Use XFBR which returns a literal string of the formatting options.