Forum Discussion
Hi Marco - it is not possible to write an api.Data.Calculate the way you have it with Entity defined on the destination script. You can only write to the current Entity being processed which would be defined in the Data Management step. The best way to do this would be to execute a CustomCalculateRule or DataManagementSequence and passing in the Target entities via the parameter dictionary. Below is an example of this. The initial rule would be ran on the Source Entity to write the Allocation Out and then the target entities are looped over and a Custom Calculate rule is executed on those entities to write the Allocation In.
Else If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("AllocationAcrossEntities") Then
'Calculate the Allocated Out member for ACME (Source Entity)
api.Data.Calculate("A#Rent:F#AllocatedOut:I#None:O#Import = A#Rent:I#None:O#Top:F#EndBalLoad",True)
'Get a list of target entities to write allocation data to
Dim entityList As List(Of Member) = api.Members.GetBaseMembers(api.Pov.EntityDim.DimPk,api.Members.GetMemberId(dimtypeid.Entity,"ACMEGroup"))
'Loop on all the data unit dimensions to trigger the custom calculate
For Each entity As Member In entityList
If Not entity.Name.Equals("ACME") Then
Dim brParamDict As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{"Cube",},
{"Entity", entity.Name},
{"Consolidation", "Local"},
{"Scenario", api.Pov.Scenario.Name},
{"Time", timedimhelper.GetYearFromId(api.Pov.Time.MemberId)},
{"View", "YTD"}}
'Trigger custom calculate
BRApi.Finance.Calculate.ExecuteCustomCalculateBusinessRule(si, "Chapter8Examples", "RentAllocation2", brParamDict, CustomCalculateTimeType.AllInYear)
End If
Next entity
Else If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("RentAllocation") Then
'This function is referenced in the previous function
If ((Not api.Entity.HasChildren()) And (api.Cons.IsLocalCurrencyforEntity())) Then
Dim totalSquareFootage As Decimal = api.Functions.GetEntityAggregationDataCell("E#ACMEGroup:O#Top:I#Top:F#EndBalLoad:A#SquareFootage:" & _
api.Data.Calculate("A#Rent:I#None:O#Import = RemoveZeros(MultiplyUnbalanced(C#Local:E#ACME:A#Rent:O#Top:I#Top, " & _
"Divide(A#Squarefootage:O#Top:I#Top:U1#None:U2#None, " & totalSquareFootage & "),U1#None:U2#None))",True)
End If
- Marco7 months agoContributor II
Hi Jon.
What needs to be done in that business rule in order to carry out this process?
- TheJonG7 months agoContributor III
Hi Marco - I am not sure what you are asking. The script I sent is an example of using the BRApi.Finance.Calculate.ExecuteCustomCalculateBusinessRule and can be modified to fit your exact application and use case.
- Marco7 months agoContributor II
Hi Jon, I mean you must have that customcalculate BR, since what I'm looking to do is to charge from one entity to another or to the same entity but in different department, so I have no idea what you mean by reusing another BR to do something like that.
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