Forum Discussion

vnareny's avatar
New Contributor II
2 years ago

Combo Box issue display wrong item

Hi All, 


I have a combo box that is in the main dashboard called cb_OnMaindash. The combo box has a parameter linked to it (i.e., a bound parameter) this is delimited list parameter called dl_ComboBox_param. The display items (dash1, dash2, dash3, dash4) and value item (Dashboard_1, Dashboard_2, Dashboard_3, Dashboard_4).  These value items are actual dashboard that I am trying to pull when ever a user selects a specific item from the combo box. 


  • name: dl_ComboBox_param
  • parameter type: delimited list
  • display itemsdash1, dash2, dash3, dash4
  • value items: Dashboard_1, Dashboard_2, Dashboard_3, Dashboard_4

Combo Box

  • Name: cb_OnMaindash




The issue is when i am testing this and select dash1 the dashboard is loaded but the item displayed on the combo box is wrong for example it would display Dash3 instead of Dash1. same thing if I were to select Dash2 and it will either display Dash1 or Dash3. it will only update the selected item if I click the selected item twice.  I truly appreciate it the help! Thank you!



I found something similar to this situation and tried to follow the step, but failed. this example relates to a button. reference:

  • I would make sure there isn't any extender messing with that selection, and then talk to Support because it looks like a version-specific bug.

    If you can't get around it, an alternative approach could be to have an Embedded Dashboard component, bound to the Parameter you're manipulating, but included in another framed Dashboards that you target on the Refresh action. This way, when the user manipulates the dropdown, the dropdown itself is not refreshed.

  • How about you create an embedded dashboard and make this parameter the embedded dashboard?

    Change your combo box to perform a refresh.

    Make your main dashboard as grid with two rows (row 1 with a value of 40 instead of *) and add the combobox and this embedded dashboard as components.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    I would make sure there isn't any extender messing with that selection, and then talk to Support because it looks like a version-specific bug.

    If you can't get around it, an alternative approach could be to have an Embedded Dashboard component, bound to the Parameter you're manipulating, but included in another framed Dashboards that you target on the Refresh action. This way, when the user manipulates the dropdown, the dropdown itself is not refreshed.

  • How about you create an embedded dashboard and make this parameter the embedded dashboard?

    Change your combo box to perform a refresh.

    Make your main dashboard as grid with two rows (row 1 with a value of 40 instead of *) and add the combobox and this embedded dashboard as components.