copying quarterly inputted data into Monthly scenario
want to copy quarterly input data through business rule. the destination scenario is defined as monthly input. in the destination code , i want to specify months which system doesn't allow. we need pass in DM Job. As i have several quarters to copy , can anybody share some thoughts how we can achieve this.
I'm not sure if i understand exactly what you try to do (your info is very limited) but OneStream pulls data. So if you want to copy data to a monthly scenario you need to run a DM job for that Montly scenario pulling the data from the quarter months in the other scenario. From the montly scenario you must be able to retrieve the quarters. The 'mapping' can be done in multiple ways dependent how you want to set up your copy.
In your DM, you're gonna loop on your target periods. For instance, if you want to write to Jan, Feb, Mar of 2025, you would have T#2025M1, T#2025M2, T#2025M3 in the time filter.
Then, in your calculation, on the right side of your equation, you define where the system will pull the info from. (PS: You can never specify the Data Unit members on the left-hand side. Those are already taking into consideration the DM info you've already defined.)
As MarcR mentioned, you can map that in various ways. You could use a Select Case based on the month, then you can pull data from specific quarters, etc.
Select Case api.Pov.Time.Name.Substring(4)
Case "M1","M2","M3"
'--code here
Case "M4","M5","M6"
'--code here
End Select