Forum Discussion

Jacky_C's avatar
New Contributor III
5 months ago

Disable a button on a dashboard when the form status is 'Completed'

Hi all, I am trying to build a business rule to dynamically disable a button (become invisible) once the form status is completed. May I know is there any function I could leverage on to fulfill thi...
  • EdwinS's avatar
    5 months ago

    Hi Jacky,

    We can tweak the function to check for each form.

    To do this you need to create a dictionary that stores the form name and the form status. Declare this as a private member of the class, where you declare global variables and then create a method in the class that will populate this variable with data. Please refer to the code below.

    Private formStatusDict As New Dictionary(Of String, XFFormStatus)
    ' Function to create the dictionary of form names and statuses
    		Private Sub PopulateFormStatusDictionary()
    		    ' Retrieve the workflow name, scenario, and time key
    		    Dim wfName As String = args.NameValuePairs("WFName") ' Hard-code if only checking one form
    		    Dim wfScenario As String = ScenarioDimHelper.GetNameFromID(si, si.WorkflowClusterPk.ScenarioKey)
    		    Dim wfTime As String = TimeDimHelper.GetNameFromId(si.WorkflowClusterPk.TimeKey)
    		    Dim wfClusterPk As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPk(si, wfName, wfScenario, wfTime)
    		    ' Get the required forms and populate the dictionary
    		    Dim formsList As List(Of XFFormSummaryInfo) = BRApi.Forms.Metadata.GetForms(si, wfClusterPk).RequiredForms
    		    formStatusDict.Clear() ' Clear the dictionary to avoid duplicates
    		    For Each form In formsList
    		        ' Add each form name as key and its status as value
    		        formStatusDict(form.Name) = form.Status
    		End Sub

    From your form status parameter, you need to add form name and enter the name of the form in square brackets (you will need a parameter for each form in the workflow), your parameter literal value will look like this

    XFBR(Your_XFBR_Rule,GetFormStatus,WFName=|WFProfile|, FormName=[Test Form Name])

    Now this will run the GetFormStatus function after populating the forms dictionary, the code will change as below:

    If args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("GetFormStatus")
    					Dim formName As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("FormName")
    					Return Me.GetFormStatus(formName)
    				End If
    ' Function to check if a specific form is completed
    		Private Function GetFormStatus(formName As String) As String
    		    ' Ensure the dictionary has been populated
    		    If Not formStatusDict.ContainsKey(formName) Then
    		        Throw New System.Exception($"Form '{formName}' not found or dictionary not populated.")
    		    End If
    			Dim status As XFFormStatus = Me.formStatusDict(formName)
    		    If status.Completed Then
    				Return "Completed"
    				Return "Not Completed"
    			End If
    		End Function

    At the top add the below global variables and initialize them in the main function

    When you run this you should be able to get the same outcome but now at a form level.