3 months agoNew Contributor II
Error in Business Rule for Data Mgmt Process
Data Mgmt sequence and steps work great when utilizing a 'manual' initiation of this process and business rule. However, the DM process automatically initiates twice daily at specific times using the same code and rules. When this occurs, it fails on occasion (not always), and this error message is received:
Summary: Error processing Data Management Step 'ProcessRecons_RCM'. Unable to execute Business Rule 'RCM_DataMgmtProcess'. One or more errors occurred. () Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records.
This is the business rule in use... asking if anyone can spot an obvious issue I have overlooked or might know the cause of the failed task on occasion.
Business Rule:
Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
Select Case args.FunctionType
Case Is = ExtenderFunctionType.ExecuteDataMgmtBusinessRuleStep
'Prepare Parameters
Dim wfProfile As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("WFProfile", String.Empty)
Dim wfTime As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("WFTime", String.Empty)
'Load Substitution Variables To Parse WFProfile and WFTime
Using dbConnFW As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
Dim subVarInfo As SubstVarSourceInfo = SubstitutionVariablesHelper.CreateSubstVarSourceInfo(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, False)
wfProfile = SubstitutionVariableParser.ConvertString(si, subVarInfo, Nothing, wfProfile)
wfTime = SubstitutionVariableParser.ConvertString(si, subVarInfo, Nothing, wfTime)
End Using
End Using
'Users Can Supply Either WFProfileName or WFProfileID. If Name Is Supplied Resolve To ID
Dim wfProfileID As Guid = Guid.Empty
Dim wfProfileInfo As WorkflowProfileInfo = Nothing
If Not Guid.TryParse(wfProfile, wfProfileID) Then
'Profile Name Was Supplied
wfProfileInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, wfProfile)
'ProfileID Was Supplied
wfProfileInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Metadata.GetProfile(si, wfProfileID)
End If
'Validate WFProfile Supplied Is A Valid Profile
If wfProfileInfo Is Nothing Then
Throw New XFUserMsgException(si, Nothing, Nothing, $"Error: Invalid workflow profile [{wfProfile}]")
wfProfileID = wfProfileInfo.UniqueID
End If
'Users Can Supply Either WFTimeName or WFTimeID. If Name Is Supplied Resolve To ID
Dim wfTimeID As Integer = SharedConstants.Unknown
If Not Int32.TryParse(wfTime, wfTimeID) Then
'Time Name Was Supplied
wfTimeID = BRApi.Finance.Time.GetIdFromName(si, wfTime)
End If
'Validate WFTime Supplied Is A Valid Time
If wfTimeID = SharedConstants.Unknown Then
Throw New XFUserMsgException(si, Nothing, Nothing, $"Error: Invalid workflow time [{wfTime}]")
End If
'Set Task Description
Dim rScenarioID As Integer = GeneralHelpers.GetStoredSettingAsInteger(si, RCM_SettingsHelpers.StoredSettingName_ReconScenario)
Dim wfClusterPk As New WorkflowUnitClusterPk(wfProfileID, rScenarioID, wfTimeID)
Dim wfDesc As String = BRApi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPkDescription(si, wfClusterPk)
Dim fields As List(Of String) = StringHelper.SplitString(wfDesc, ":", StageConstants.ParserDefaults.DefaultQuoteCharacter)
Dim wfName As String = If(fields.Any(), fields(0), "WP#Missing")
Dim taskInformation As String = $"{wfName}:S#{ScenarioDimHelper.GetNameFromId(si, rScenarioID)}:T#{BRApi.Finance.Time.GetNameFromId(si, wfTimeID)} - {OFC_SharedConsts.DataMgmtTaskPrefixReconProcess}."
DataMgmtHelpers.SetTaskDescription(si, args.TaskActivityID, taskInformation)
'Make sure this DM job can run at this time (unless this was called from a UI action and we checked it already)
Dim canDataMgmtJobRunChecked As Boolean = args.NameValuePairs.MPGetValueToBoolean(DataMgmtProcessHelper.CanDataMgmtJobRunCheckedKey, False)
If Not canDataMgmtJobRunChecked Then
Dim dataMgmtHelper As New DataMgmtProcessHelper(si)
Dim params As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"WFProfile", wfProfileID.ToString},
{"WFTime", wfTimeID.ToString}}
Dim canDataMgmtJobRun As BoolAndTwoStrings = dataMgmtHelper.CanDataMgmtJobRun(OFC_SharedConsts.DataMgmtSeqReconProcess, params, args.TaskActivityID)
If Not canDataMgmtJobRun.Bool1 Then
Throw New XFUserMsgException(si, Nothing, Nothing, canDataMgmtJobRun.String1)
End If
End If
'Execute Process Recons
Dim errorMessage As String = String.Empty
Dim sScenarioID As Integer = GeneralHelpers.GetStoredSettingAsInteger(si, RCM_SettingsHelpers.StoredSettingName_SourceScenario)
Dim processHelper As New ProcessReconsHelper(si, wfProfileID, sScenarioID, rScenarioID, wfTimeID, args.TaskActivityID)
'Update Task Information Based On Results
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage) Then
taskInformation &= errorMessage
DataMgmtHelpers.SetTaskDescription(si, args.TaskActivityID, taskInformation, True)
End If
End Select
Return Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
End Class
End Namespace