Forum Discussion

Yaseen's avatar
New Contributor III
2 years ago

Error using Where clause with 'or' condition inside GetDataBufferUsingFormula

Hello -


is there a way to make the below work inside GetDataBufferUsingFormula .

Getting Error processing script 'V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:A#:U1#USF02'.

Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:S#Actual:T#" & sLastActMth & ":U1#" & & ",[A#[PNL].Base.Where((Name StartsWith '4') or (Name StartsWith '5') or (Name StartsWith '7') or (Name StartsWith 'X'))], [U3#[TopUD3].Base],[U2#[TopUD2].Base])").

Looks like not recognizing filter with 'or' inside where clause.



Below works fine without an 'or' condition.

Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:S#Actual:T#" & sLastActMth & ":U1#" & & ",[A#[PNL].Base.Where(Name StartsWith '4')], [U3#[TopUD3].Base],[U2#[TopUD2].Base])").

  • Try this removing the square brackets from around the member name, so you don't have 2 sets.


    Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:S#Actual:T#" & sLastActMth & ":U1#" & & ",[A#PNL.Base.Where((Name StartsWith '4') or (Name StartsWith '5') or (Name StartsWith '7') or (Name StartsWith 'X'))], [U3#TopUD3.Base],[U2#TopUD2.Base])").

  • EricOsmanski's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Try this removing the square brackets from around the member name, so you don't have 2 sets.


    Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic:F#EndBal_Input:S#Actual:T#" & sLastActMth & ":U1#" & & ",[A#PNL.Base.Where((Name StartsWith '4') or (Name StartsWith '5') or (Name StartsWith '7') or (Name StartsWith 'X'))], [U3#TopUD3.Base],[U2#TopUD2.Base])").

    • Yaseen's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Thanks Eric, removing the square brackets worked.

  • MikeG's avatar
    Contributor III


    No single quotes are required.  And you may need some brackets when doing the expansion in a GetDataBufferUsingFormula API.  Here are some examples:


    I'm not the best coder, but give this a try:

    api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(V#Periodic, [F#EndBal_Input], [S#Actual], [T#" & sLastActMth & "], [U1#" & & "], [A#[PNL].Base.Where((Name StartsWith 4) or (Name StartsWith 5) or (Name StartsWith 7) or (Name StartsWith X))], [U3#[TopUD3].Base],[U2#[TopUD2].Base])")



  • MikeG's avatar
    Contributor III

    Hi Yaseen just for my sanity, can you confirm if in the StartsWith condition that '4' and 4 without the single quotes works?  It won't throw an error, but I believe the quotes are not needed even for a string condition check.

    • Yaseen's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Hi Mike- Yes, works with out single quotes as well. thanks!

  • Krishna's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    1. It should be single code missing verify the string

    2. You can create an account alternative hierarchy and loop through those accounts, you dont have to deal with all the where condition. Just base will work.