7 months agoContributor II
Exclude accounts in GetDataBufferUsingFormula
Hi Everyone.
I have the following Databuffer, but what I want to do is to change the accounts to the following:
- 7 months ago
Hi Marco,
Depending which account rollup those GL accounts roll up to, you can use the .Remove function. For this example, I'll say it rolls up to A#OTHERINCEXP.
Dim SrcDataBuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(CB#[HLFPLN]:E#" & curEntity & ":S#[" & curScenario & "]:T#2024,[A#OCCUPANCYEXP.Base, A#CONTROLEXP.Base, A#OTHERINCEXP.Base.Remove(612900, 621105)],[U1#" & curDepartment & ".Base])")
If that doesn't work, try adding double quotes around the account number. Hope this helps.