Forum Discussion

Shetal_P's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Extract Active Entity list from OneStream by using Data Management Job

Hi all, Happy New Year! Is there a way of extracting an active entity list from OneStream including Entity Name, Description, and Currency fields by using a data management job? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you!  

  • Sai_Maganti's avatar
    4 years ago

    I see why you want to use a DM. Here is some basic BR which gets the list of entities from member info and writes a csv file to the system. You may modify to suit your requirements.

    Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.ExportEntitiesMetaData
    	Public Class MainClass
    		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
    				Select Case args.FunctionType					
    					Case Is = ExtenderFunctionType.Unknown, ExtenderFunctionType.ExecuteDataMgmtBusinessRuleStep
    					Dim configSettings As AppServerConfigSettings = AppServerConfig.GetSettings(si)
    					Dim folderPath As String = FileShareFolderHelper.GetDataManagementExportUsernameFolderForApp(si, True, configSettings.FileShareRootFolder, si.AppToken.AppName) & "\MetaData"
    					If Not Directory.Exists(folderPath) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath)
    					Dim filePath As String = folderPath & "\EntityList.csv"				
    					If File.Exists(filePath) Then File.Delete(filePath)
    					Using dbConnFW As DbConnInfo = BRAPi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
    						Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRAPi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
    							'Get the Members using member script
    							Dim mf As String = "E#YourEntityTop.Base"
    							'Set up entity dimension
    							Dim objDim As OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim = DimsWcf.GetDimUsingName(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, "Entities")
    							Dim members As List(Of MemberInfo) = MetadataWcf.GetMembersUsingFilter(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, Nothing, si.WorkflowClusterPk, si.PovDataCellPk, objDim.DimPk, mf, 0, Nothing, Nothing, True, False, True)							
    							Dim sb As New StringBuilder
    							For Each memInfo As MemberInfo In members 					
    								sb.AppendLine(memInfo.Member.Name & "," & memInfo.Member.Description.Replace(",", "_") & "," & BRApi.Finance.Entity.GetLocalCurrency(si, memInfo.Member.MemberId).Name)
    							' Write the output string to a file
    							Dim sw As New StreamWriter(filePath)
    						End Using
    					End Using						
    				End Select
    				Return Nothing
    			Catch ex As Exception
    				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
    			End Try
    		End Function
    	End Class
    End Namespace
  • Koemets's avatar
    4 years ago

    It's InUse function, use it as follows:

    For Each memInfo As MemberInfo In members

       Dim boolInUse As Boolean = BRApi.Finance.Entity.InUse(si, memInfo.Member.MemberID, varyByScenarioTypeId, varyByTimeId)

       If boolInUse Then




    Make sure you define varybyscenario and varybytime types in the InUse function.

  • In which format are you expecting to see the list? Also, any reservations about metadata export? You can simply export the whole dimension.

  • Bottom line, yes, it is possible. But there are many ways to skin a cat depending on other factors.

    • Shetal_P's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Thanks for your feedback. Can you please throw some ideas here and see if that works with our requirements and current application setup?

  • Not sure why you want to do from DM job but using the Grid view from the Dimension is easiest and then right click on the results table and export. Data Management as it suggests is ideal for data jobs and not for Metadata exports though it could be possible.

    • Mark_DiMatteo's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Sai, we want this to be lights out - scheduled so that we can send to other applications in our organization.  I don't want to manually perform this step every month.  The task scheduler is limited in OneStream, thus the reason for asking it to be a data management job.  Preferably a delimited file like a CSV but other formats would work.

      • Sai_Maganti's avatar
        Contributor II

        I see why you want to use a DM. Here is some basic BR which gets the list of entities from member info and writes a csv file to the system. You may modify to suit your requirements.

        Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Extender.ExportEntitiesMetaData
        	Public Class MainClass
        		Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As Object, ByVal args As ExtenderArgs) As Object
        				Select Case args.FunctionType					
        					Case Is = ExtenderFunctionType.Unknown, ExtenderFunctionType.ExecuteDataMgmtBusinessRuleStep
        					Dim configSettings As AppServerConfigSettings = AppServerConfig.GetSettings(si)
        					Dim folderPath As String = FileShareFolderHelper.GetDataManagementExportUsernameFolderForApp(si, True, configSettings.FileShareRootFolder, si.AppToken.AppName) & "\MetaData"
        					If Not Directory.Exists(folderPath) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(folderPath)
        					Dim filePath As String = folderPath & "\EntityList.csv"				
        					If File.Exists(filePath) Then File.Delete(filePath)
        					Using dbConnFW As DbConnInfo = BRAPi.Database.CreateFrameworkDbConnInfo(si)
        						Using dbConnApp As DbConnInfo = BRAPi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si)
        							'Get the Members using member script
        							Dim mf As String = "E#YourEntityTop.Base"
        							'Set up entity dimension
        							Dim objDim As OneStream.Shared.Wcf.Dim = DimsWcf.GetDimUsingName(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, "Entities")
        							Dim members As List(Of MemberInfo) = MetadataWcf.GetMembersUsingFilter(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, Nothing, si.WorkflowClusterPk, si.PovDataCellPk, objDim.DimPk, mf, 0, Nothing, Nothing, True, False, True)							
        							Dim sb As New StringBuilder
        							For Each memInfo As MemberInfo In members 					
        								sb.AppendLine(memInfo.Member.Name & "," & memInfo.Member.Description.Replace(",", "_") & "," & BRApi.Finance.Entity.GetLocalCurrency(si, memInfo.Member.MemberId).Name)
        							' Write the output string to a file
        							Dim sw As New StreamWriter(filePath)
        						End Using
        					End Using						
        				End Select
        				Return Nothing
        			Catch ex As Exception
        				Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
        			End Try
        		End Function
        	End Class
        End Namespace
    • Koemets's avatar

      Sucks that the system doesn't let you to edit the original post, does it? 🙂

      • Sai_Maganti's avatar
        Contributor II

        Actually there is (clicking on the down arrow) but only found after posting the last one 🙂

  • Marlin's avatar
    New Contributor III

    If trying to pull ParentMember and ParentDescription, using this code I'm not seeing that as an option under memInfo.Member. Does anyone here have any suggestions on how to pull these?