Forum Discussion

Nikpowar97's avatar
11 months ago

FdxExecuteDataUnit on OwnerPostAdj, OwnerPreAdj, Elimination, Share

Code: Dim TimeName As String = "2023M1" Dim dt_NIk As DataTable = BRApi.Import.Data.FdxExecuteDataUnit(si,"Consol", "E#KY00_Total.Base","OwnerPostAdj",Brapi.Finance.Scenario.GetScenario...
  • JackLacava's avatar
    11 months ago

    Can you actually see records against that member in Database / Tools / Data Records? FdxExecuteDataUnit deals only in hard data, anything not stored (e.g. Share etc) will not be extracted. If you want that type of stuff, build a Cube View instead and use FdxExecuteCubeView / FdxExecuteCubeViewTimePivot.

  • JackLacava's avatar
    11 months ago

    That's correct. The default consolidation algorithm effectively does not store the result of a bunch of consolidation calculations, and Fdx cannot extract what is not stored.

    I don't know what Fdx does when the Stored Share algorithm is used instead (i.e. those records are actually generated), but I wouldn't be surprised if it skipped those elements anyway.

  • sameburn's avatar
    11 months ago

    The FDX Data unit api's will only work with C#Local or any base currency member e.g C#Currencies.Base from the Consolidation dimension. That is why you're getting an error when you are not using one of those cons members and it works when you do.