Opening balance calculation on OwnerPostAdj
Hi experts,
The business users had posted some retained earnings adjustments to both base and parent entities at OwnerPostAdj consolidation level.
I have a very simple opening balance rule that works across all entities and consolidation levels:
api.Data.Calculate("F#100= RemoveZeros(F#EndBal:T#PovPriorYearM12)","A#<balance sheet accounts>.Base")
We are seeing that the opening balance (F#100) member is correctly pulling the OwnerPostAdj numbers for the base entities from prior years, but is not bringing in the opening balance from the parent entities at OwnerPostAdj level.
I did a 'Force calculate with logging' and see that the 'ReadDataRecordsinDataUnit' step is showing zero records in the database. However, I can confirm that the journal was posted in M12 at the parent entity and C#OwnerPostAdj level.
Any suggestions as to what else I might need to check?
This was solved by setting 'Calculate OwnerPostAdj if NoData' to True at the cube level.