ID Field in Custom SQL and Setting a Unique Default for New Rows
I have a custom SQL table for people planning and want an ID field as my primary key.
(The existing fields that would be good for a primary key need to editable (e.g. entry date) so I cannot use a set of existing fields as my primary key. Setting a field as a primary key makes that field not editable.)
My question is how to set a field's default with a SQL code, "select NEWID()" which generates a unique code? I tried creating a parameter as a Bound List and SQL code with this query but when the dashboard with the SQL table editor is opened I get a pop up window asking for an input for this parameter.
How are primary keys normally handled in this case? Thanks.
Montreux Yes, I use Dashboard Extenders for this. Here's some example code to help you get started. I almost never use the STE's internal save/update functionality. Besides being fussy and undocumented, it doesn't (that I know of) stub out for data validation.
Private Function SaveRecords(si As SessionInfo, args As DashboardExtenderArgs) As Object Dim strSql As String = String.Empty Dim strDate As String = String.Empty Dim saveDataTaskResult As Object = Nothing Dim pKTheId As String = String.Empty Dim strValidationMsg = String.Empty Try 'Not cancelling the default save even though nothing will be saved using the STE allows the UI to refresh with the new values saveDataTaskResult = New XFSqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskResult() With { .IsOK = True, .ShowMessageBox = False, .Message = "", .CancelDefaultSave = False } pKTheId = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("pKTheId", "0") For Each row As XFEditedDataRow In args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows 'Add any data validation here strValidationMsg = ValidateRecord(si, args, row) strDate = Date.Parse(row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("CustomDate")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") strSql = $"UPDATE XFW_CustomTable SET CustomAmount={row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("CustomAmount")}, Descr='{row.ModifiedDataRow.Item("Descr")}' WHERE CustomDate='{strDate}' and pKTheId={pKTheId}" Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si) BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(DbConn, strSQL, True) End Using Next 'We already added the new/updated records. No need to use the SqlTableEditor to do it - so we clear them here. args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows.RemoveAll(Function(x) x.InsertUpdateOrDelete = DbInsUpdateDelType.Insert) args.SqlTableEditorSaveDataTaskInfo.EditedDataRows.RemoveAll(Function(x) x.InsertUpdateOrDelete = DbInsUpdateDelType.Update) Catch ex As Exception Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.GetType().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex) End Try Return saveDataTaskResult End Function private function ValidateRecord(si As SessionInfo, args As DashboardExtenderArgs, row As XFEditedDataRow) As String Dim strValidationMsg as String = String.Empty 'validation code here... return strValidationMsg End Function Private Function GetNextpKTheId(si As SessionInfo) As String Dim pKTheId As String = String.Empty Dim strSql as String = String.Empty Try strSql = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(pKTheId), 0)+1 as NextpKTheId From XFW_CustomTable" Using DbConn As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si) pKTheId = BRApi.Database.ExecuteSql(DbConn, strSQL, True).Rows(0).Item("NextpKTheId") End Using Catch ex As Exception Throw New XFException($"{Environment.NewLine}{Me.[GetType]().ToString()}.{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}(): {ex.Message}:{Environment.NewLine}{strSql}", ex) End Try Return pKTheId End Function