2 years agoNew Contributor II
Member formula - Account Type
I have an issue with the member formula with the below condition. It checks for Account Type Revenue or Expense. However if the Account Type is Revenue or Expense, still the condition is not met. Is ...
- 2 years ago
Alternatively, you could use this below:
If api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId) = AccountType.Revenue OrElse api.Account.GetAccountType(api.Pov.Account.MemberId) = AccountType.Expense Then
- 2 years ago
Hi BabuJayaraman ,
You are close. Try this:Dim acctTypePov As AccountType = api.Account.GetAccountType(api.pov.account.memberid) Dim isIncStmtAcct As Boolean = acctTypePov.Equals(AccountType.Expense) OrElse acctTypePov.Equals(AccountType.Revenue) If isIncStmtAcct Then Return 1 End If