Member Formula - get current member name
Hi All
Does anyone know if you can get the current member name in a Member Formula? As an example, I have the UD8 member UD8 AverageRate_Budget - I want that information without manually adding a variable. I have a lot of members whose member names contain all the information for their value. It would save me a lot of time if I had one script that I could copy to all the members without editing them to update the member name. The members are DynamicCalc if that makes a difference.
I have tried args.DataCellArgs.FunctionName and args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName but they both raise an error.
If I am understanding you correctly, you have a formula e.g. api.Data.Calculate("A#Sales = A#Price * A#Volume") and would like this to know if you can do something like this: api.Data.Calculate("A#[Current Member Name] = A#Price * A#Volume") assuming so that you can copy this formula to other members and not have to update the target name?
If so, I don't believe there is a way to do this. The finance engine processes scripts without knowledge of member names for which they are attached. If you can describe exactly what your formula is and what its trying to do, there may be a way to write the formula differently in a business rule which loops through a data buffer and brings in the account name so logic can be performed on it.