Forum Discussion

bhenneuse's avatar
New Contributor II
3 months ago

Passing parameters from a user defined workspace to a DM process and Business Rule

When creating a dashboard in the default workspace you are able to pass dashboard parameter values to the data management sequence through the parameter section of the execution script:

You can also use an Input Value parameter and create an extender process to populate the Input Value and then retrieve that value for a DM sequence or BR.

However, when using user defined workspaces, I have only been able to successfully pass parameter values from a dashboard using a literal value (process on combo box executes a rule to populate a literal value with the most recent user selection, literal value is read by DM and BR processes).

The issue with this literal value process is that the value is left at the value from the last execution of combo box selection so it requires the user to change the value to some other value, then reset the value to ensure the literal value has a valid stored value.

Additionally, this process if being used by multiple users, may cause confusion if two users are changing combo boxes thus resetting literal values without knowing that the other users is changing the value.

Is there no other way to reference user defined workspace parameter values like in the argument selections in the Server Task settings?

I have seen some instances where the workspace ID can be referenced, however I don't see an examples of using some type of similar format for parameters (e.g. WorkspaceID.|!SomeParameter!|).

  • Viren's avatar
    New Contributor


    I am too having similar problem where I am exploring something like user variable instead of a global variable like parameters. So, just to elaborate, the dashboard should pass values to a BR (any BR) that a user has selected so that when multiple users are running / executing the same process their respective values are passed. The concept of using parameters seems not working in such cases.

    What I have achieved so far is using Cube Pov (for DM and Finance BR). I am sure there should be a better way but based on my current understanding and what I could / could not find in the documentation, this seems the best idea as of now.

    One can set Cube Pov on a component setting as follows:

    bhenneuse,  Hope this helps.

    |!param_FScenario!| is set as bound Parameter for the same component. 

    So, I am able to set / update Cube Pov on the change of values like Scenario, Year, etc. In the DM, these can be accessed via |CVScenario|, |CVTime|, etc and it works. As Cube PoV's scope is confined to a user, this solves the problem. 

    However, I am trying to get the values of Cube Pov (how to reference Cube PoV) in other BRs which I would like to know from the experts (if possible). The reason is when I load the Dashboard, I want to set the default values (in dashboard) which is set as part of Cube Pov. 

    So, if anyone can suggest as how to reference Cube PoV in Extensibility / Dashboard Extender rules then it would be helpful.
