3 years agoContributor
Read a .csv file from a file in filestore everyone folder and convet to datatable in a BR
I want to retrieve data from a .csv file from Filestore\Everyone folder and later convert the data in to a a dataTable in an extensibility rule.
Does any one has a sample BR.
You can try using this function
Public Sub ImportCSV(ByVal si As SessionInfo,ByVal FileName As String,ByVal TableName As String) Dim sourceFolder As String = BRApi.Utilities.GetFileShareFolder(si,FileShareFolderTypes.FileShareRoot,Nothing) & "\System\Contents" Dim fullPath = sourceFolder & "\" & FileName Dim dt As New DataTable Using reader As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(fullPath) reader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited reader.SetDelimiters(",") Dim headers = reader.ReadFields() For Each colName In headers dt.Columns.Add(colName) Next While Not reader.EndOfData Dim row = reader.ReadFields() Dim content As New List(Of Object) For Each item In row content.Add(item) Next dt.Rows.Add(content.ToArray) End While End Using 'if you want to use the datatable use return dt 'if you want to write a csv file to the database Using dbInfo As DbConnInfo = BRApi.Database.CreateApplicationDbConnInfo(si) BRApi.Database.ExecuteActionQuery(dbInfo,"DELETE FROM " & TableName,True,True) Using sqlObj As New SqlBulkCopy(dbInfo.ConnectionString) For Each col As DataColumn In dt.Columns sqlObj.ColumnMappings.Add(col.ColumnName,col.ColumnName) Next sqlObj.DestinationTableName = TableName sqlObj.WriteToServer(dt) End Using End Using End Sub