4 years agoVIP
Saving an export directly to the shared folder
Hi All,
For a client i've created a SQL script that generates a datatable that i want to save to a .csv file.
This works as expected via
- 4 years ago
Hi Marc
This works for me
Dim dt As datatable = aDataTable Dim fileName As String = "a File Name" Dim filePath As String = $"Documents/Users/{StringHelper.RemoveSystemCharacters(si.UserName,False,False)}" 'Use a string builder object Dim filesAsString As New StringBuilder() 'headers as first row, if needed filesAsString.AppendLine(String.Join(",", dt.Columns.Cast(Of DataColumn).select(Function(x) x.ColumnName))) 'loop the rows For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows 'use String.join to create a comma separated line filesAsString.AppendLine(String.Join(",", dr.ItemArray())) Next dr 'Convert the string to an array of byte Dim fileAsByte() As Byte = system.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(filesAsString.ToString) 'Save fileAsByte Dim fileDataInfo As New XFFileInfo(FileSystemLocation.ApplicationDatabase, $"{fileName}.csv", filePath) Dim fileData As New XFFile(fileDataInfo, String.Empty, fileAsByte) brapi.FileSystem.InsertOrUpdateFile(si, fileData)
you can control the culture using this command
Dim ci As CultureInfo ci = New CultureInfo("de-DE") CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = ci
but be careful, some cultures like German use the comma as decimal separator, then you have to use another character to separate columns
If Ci.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = "," then ...
I hope this helps and cheers