Hi All,
I am trying to solve for a circular calculation pass with allocations. I am using the equity pick up functionality on the entity properties. It wasn't behaving for me. In reading the Des...
The Sample tab in any property or function definition is always an autogenerated line showing the most basic use. In this case it just shows that the property will be a boolean (i.e. True or False), so you can store it in a boolean variable. I guess the idea is that you can perform a check (if args.CalculateArgs.IsRepeatCalc then... ) and react accordingly. There are a few other boolean properties in that CalculateArgs that may or may not be helpful to you:
For actual examples of complex code with some meaningful explanation, you have to look in the Snippets part of the helper tree. Unfortunately, I don't see anything there related to this specific topic, at least in my version. There are examples of complex allocations in the Finance Rules Handbook, but they focus on not repeating.