Forum Discussion

Rev's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Use computed member across forms/BRs


I have an account member A#salary which is being computed using BR1 in CV1 and I need to use the computed value in another CV2 using BR2 to compute account member A#61000101.

Tried as below:

api.Data.calculate("A#61000101:U2#Staff:U4#None:U1#7330:O#BeforeAdj = A#Salary:U2#Staff:U4#None:U1#7330:O#Top")

Remaining dimensions is all same between two.

Kindly advise.


  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hi Rev,

    Did you run Calculate? Api.Data.Calculate only runs on calculation or consolidation.

    Did you set your account with a Formula Pass later than the one assigned to Salary? Calculate will only run if a formula type is set to a Pass, and it will follow the sequence defined by passes.

    Are you sure the original value is stored? If it's dynamically calculated (i.e. the account is marked as Formula Type DynamicCalc, or it's just a calculated column on the CubeView), then you won't be able to use api.Data.Calculate at all; you can look at the Design and Reference Guide in page "Writing Formulas" under the section "Writing Dynamic Calculations".

  • Rev's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi JackLacava,

    Yes I run the calculate.

    A#Salary -> Expense type account(Formula type = "Not Used") and i dint set any formula pass.But I run the BR1 first and I still see the value stored as 14000 in CV1.Is there any other way to check if it is stored ?

    A#61000101 - > Expense type account(Formula type = "Not Used") and i dint set any formula pass.




    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      Ah, sorry, I assumed you were using Formulas but I realize now you're using Business Rules.

      I'd check that your BR actually runs (calling LogMessage just before or just after that Calculate) and the actual coordinates of that cell in the CubeView are what you think they are.

      Beyond that you might want to talk to support.